Review: Bittersweet Promises by Carrie Ann Ryan (Montgomery Ink Legacy #1)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

The much awaited first book in Carrie Ann Ryan's Montgomery Ink Legacy series, which is the newest spin-off in her Montgomery Ink book universe, has finally been released! Bittersweet Promises is the series starter which features the first among the new generation of Montgomerys to get their stories told. That being said, if you're new to this author or have yet to read any of the books about the original generation of Montgomerys or maybe still working your way through those ebooks, no worries! You don't necessarily need to read them in order to fully appreciate this spin-off series. Trust me, I've only read a few from the original set of stories, although I've been able to keep better track of the other spin-offs, and I was able to follow and enjoy this latest Montgomery novel! Anything I've yet to read remains on my never-ending to-be-read list.

Leif Montgomery knows all too well how fortunate he is to have the family that he has. While part of his childhood had countless moments of torment and trauma, finding and being accepted by his father and the only woman he's truly considered his mother has meant the world to him. There was once a time when he thought he'd found the kind of love that his parents shared, but the unfulfilled promises of Paris have left him with bittersweet memories. It's nearly a decade later before Leif crosses paths once again with Brooke Alder. They're both thirty now, each having moved on and lived their lives, and this time around, she has a five-year-old son named Luke. Both Leif and Brooke have questions about what went wrong back then, but before they can take their second shot at a future together, they are going to have to confront the demons of their painful pasts.

Suffice it to say that my expectations were high going into this series starter. After all, the Montgomery clan is like the gift that keeps on giving considering how many books featuring a family member or someone tied to the family Carrie Ann Ryan has penned over the years. When the adult version of Leif was setting off for Paris in Inked Temptation (Montgomery Ink: Fort Collins #5), I was already counting the days until I could find out what the rest of his journey towards his happily-ever-after looked like. I say the rest of his journey, because his story truly began in Delicate Ink (Montgomery Ink #1). Brooke was truly the perfect person for him, and while I'm a sucker for the single parent trope, I'm not going to gush over every single book about it. In short, the writing has to be good, and the story and characters, the kind I can become emotionally invested in--all of which was present in Bittersweet Promises, which I'm easily handing 4.5 stars to.

Release Date: 24 October 2022

Date Read: 20 October 2022

Learn more about Carrie Ann Ryan.

Purchase Bittersweet Promises on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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