Review: Slow Thaw by J. Scott Coatsworth

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Other World Ink.

Slow Thaw is a novella penned by J. Scott Coatsworth and set in the cold and isolated tundra that is Antarctica. While this is part of the multi-authored Escape From the Holidays series, it can very much be read on its own. It's the story of two men who find themselves paired together for work, both scientists with a ten-year age difference and a fair amount of pain and doubt hidden deep within them, making it hard to immediately forge a connection.

Being in Bettencourt Station is exactly what forty-year-old Col Steele needs, professionally and personally. His ex left him for someone twenty years younger and working with fifty-year-old professor and fellow scientist Javier Fernandez will be good for his career. But Javier has spent years with very limited human contact, and things don't go off to the best of beginnings between him and Col. Their partnership may have been meant to further their studies and findings on the climate, but it could also be what leads both these men's hearts to start a slow thaw.

I was quite happy over the fact that this wasn't a case of insta-love or even insta-attraction, which tends to be how quick reads turn out. It was easy to picture both the barrenness and the beauty of the frozen vastness that surrounded Col and Javier, thanks to the author's gift of words. I also appreciated that there was a fair amount of information with regards to what these two men were working on, and with the most recent findings regarding climate change, it definitely felt quite timely and gave me something to ponder on. This story had a bit of romance and a helping of adventure, and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm awarding Slow Thaw 4.5 stars out of five stars. ♥

Date Read: 13 December 2018

Learn more about J. Scott Coatsworth.

Purchase Slow Thaw on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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