Audiobook Review: Love Sincerely Yours by Sara Ney & Meghan Quinn, narrated by Ava Erickson & Alexander Cendese

Note: The audiobook was provided by the authors via InkSlinger PR.

“Does it make you uncomfortable when I’m honest?”
“No. I prefer when people lie.” I haven’t rolled my eyes this hard since I was thirteen years old.
“Well, if it’s opposite day, I love that I’m not working for you anymore, and I’m glad I never get to see your grumpy face again.”
Wait. Huh?

I read the ebook of Love Sincerely Yours and pronounced it "Best. Office. Romance. EVER!" back in October, and listening to the audiobook version? Well, it merely reiterated what I already knew: Best. Office. Romance. EVER!!! (Note the additional exclamation points.) I have no clue if Sara Ney and Meghan Quinn have any future plans of working together again, but I would be seriously disappointed if this was a one-and-done sort of thing. They clearly work well as a writing unit and seem to have similar senses of humor based on their previous solo work and this joint effort. But if this is a one-time deal only, then talk about leaving quite an impression!

We've got ourselves Peyton Lévêque who happens to have one heck of a crush on her boss, the strikingly handsome yet seriously surly Rome Blackburn. That crush has remained a secret of sorts, limited only to her closest friends...that is, until her thirtieth birthday and a bit of (a whole lot of!) liquid courage has her kinda-sorta-maybe confessing said crush to Rome via email...ANONYMOUSLY. Once she's sober and far more in control of herself, Peyton realizes how this could be really bad should her boss ever find out who "LSY" is, but once Rome starts engaging with her via email, all bets are off. This'll either end in a clusterfuck or be fuckingly amazing.

I already loved this story Sara Ney and Meghan Quinn-penned from the get-go, but the narration of Ava Erickson and Alexander Cendese gave it that extra bit of something that it may not have needed but it definitely deserved. I've listened to these two in past audiobooks, but this is the first time I've listened to them together, and Erickson and Cendese have proven to be just like Ney and Quinn--a combined force to be reckoned with. I've listened to a whole slew of audiobooks this year, and Love Sincerely Yours absolutely ranks as one of my favorites (so far...hey, there are still a couple of weeks left in 2018!). I'm giving this audiobook five-plus stars. ♥

Date Listened to: 20 November 2018

Learn more about Sara Ney and Meghan Quinn.

Learn more about Ava Erickson and Alexander Cendese.

Purchase Love Sincerely Yours on Audiobooks | Audible | iTunes.


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