Review: Shy by Brad Tanner

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via LesCourt ARC Team.

Brad Tanner is a new-to-me author and Shy is my introduction to his writing, and it was a bit of romantic comedy that I needed while nursing a really bad cold. This Christmas read is set in London and it pairs up a twenty-five-year-old financial whiz who suffers from social anxiety with an out and proud public relations specialist. This story, however, also includes a best friend who is dragged into this unlikely love story and decides to do a bit of matchmaking in hopes of steering these two gay guys in the right direction; Lord knows they need some guidance!

James Redland may know his way around numbers and finances, but not so much around people. He's extremely shy and gets really anxious around people--especially hot guys--which could explain why every single time Oliver Barnes gets too close to him, he runs off. This, in turn, is beginning to give the usually confident Ollie a complex, but maybe his best friend Mei Chen will give him some advice and perspective. Meghan, however, is a woman who prefers taking the lead, setting things to right, believing this'll lead to better results--just ask her boyfriend. When all is said and done, will timid James and irrepressible Ollie find true love with a little (a lot of) help from Meghan?

This novella had some true winners, enticing grins from me at certain parts of the story, thanks to these three people with very different personalities fumbling their way to a happily-ever-after. Is it a perfect book? Nope. There were times that the text itself felt somewhat choppy, and I confess that there were a couple of moments I wanted to shake James and Ollie. At the end of the day, however, I adored the three characters, each one with their personality tics yet none of them having a mean bone in their body. I got James since I suffer from shyness and call myself an anti-social introvert, and I liked that it took both Ollie and Meghan to bring him out of his shell. Even through the hiccups, Shy held my attention and succeeded in making me laugh. This rom-com read gets four stars. ♥

Date Read: 18 December 2018

Learn more about Brad Tanner.

Purchase Shy on Amazon.


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