Review: Christmas in Kentbury by Claudia Burgoa

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

Christmas in Kentbury is a friends-to-lovers story set during the lead-up to Christmas in a small town in Vermont called Kentbury. Penned by Claudia Burgoa, whose work I've enjoyed and loved in the past, I suspect this is the first in a new series; if so, I'm already looking forward to reading more about Heath Miller's brother, Holden, and Knightly Harris's brothers, Kingston and Bishop. I'm already getting ahead of myself, so back to Heath and Knightly!

Thirty-two-year-old Knightly Harris's life is composed of the B&B she owns, the father and brother she loves, and the best friend and little girl who have become her family. But Lee has been keeping a secret from her best friend. You see, she's been in love with Heath Miller since she was fourteen, and eighteen years of unrequited love have her thinking it's time for her to move on from her thirty-four-year-old bestie and his eight-year-old daughter, Cassie. Will it take Lee moving to New York for Heath to finally let her know her feelings aren't quite so one-sided?

This novella was a sweet read, one that had a hint of family drama brewing on Lee's side and a whole lot of insecurity on both Lee's end and Heath's. The basic story line is a familiar one, what with two people who think they're doing a great job hiding their true feelings from one another and everyone else, only to realize that the only ones who don't know are each other. There's a bit of hemming and hawing on Heath's and Lee's parts, but I liked that route that they decided to take in order to deal with the should-we-or-shouldn't-we aspect of taking their relationship to the next level. Claudia Burgoa delivers once again, and Christmas in Kentbury snags four stars. ♥

Release Date: 12 December 2018

Date Read: 12 December 2018

Learn more about Claudia Burgoa.

Purchase Christmas in Kentbury on Amazon.


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