Review: "The Hookup Hoax" by Heather Thurmeier

Note: This ARC was provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Sawyer Sterling has a pretty good life: he's got a business he worked hard to make successful, he has grandparents who took him in after his parents died and loved him unconditionally, and he's got a good set of friends. The one thing missing is a girl to call his own but that's never bothered him before...that is, until his grandparents find themselves in the middle of choosing between him and his cousin on who to leave their beloved cabin to. His cousin likes to portray the role of family man, with a wife and a baby on the way, and Sawyer feels the only way he can compete with that is by finding someone to play his girlfriend, just to convince his grandparents he deserves the cabin that holds cherished family memories.

Olivia Morgan is back in the U.S. to finally plant some roots and call one place home. When her brother's best friend, Sawyer Sterling, offers her a job in his company and a place to stay in exchange for pretending to be his girlfriend, she decides to take him up on it, in spite of her brother's misgivings. Olivia and Sawyer have never seen each other as anything more than a connection to her brother but spending time in close quarters makes them notice just how grown-up they both are now. As much as Olivia tries to keep her distance from Sawyer when they aren't pretending to be a couple, they both cross the line and are then faced with consequences for their actions. Is theirs a mere hookup or a happily-ever-after in the making?

The Hookup Hoax by Heather Thurmeier is a contemporary romance about a man who wants to inherit the family cabin that means a great deal to him and decides that having a fake girlfriend is the best way to convince his grandparents he can be in a committed relationship and is thinking of his personal, and not just his professional, future. The idea that Sawyer Sterling would go to such lengths in order to secure a cabin did sound kind of unbelievable in the beginning, but once you learn his reasons behind it and the sentimentality he has connected to the structure, which isn't really just a structure to him, it's a bit easier to comprehend why getting Olivia Morgan to portray his girlfriend seemed like the right move to make.

While Olivia and Sawyer do seem like attractive individuals, I felt there was a bit of chemistry missing in the first half of the book. It could be due to Olivia's discomfort at Sawyer's physical closeness, even though she knew agreeing to be his girlfriend would mean displays of affection, and may be this can be blamed on her broken engagement years ago, but it was difficult to really see these two falling for one another. I mean, two hot people do not immediately equate to one hot couple. The second half of the book is where I felt more of the romance between the two, but what stood out to me in terms of a theme was the importance of family to both Olivia and Sawyer. All in all, The Hookup Hoax was a good four-star read. ♥

Release Date: 26 May 2015

Date Read: 20 May 2015

Learn more about Heather Thurmeier here.

Pre-order The Hookup Hoax on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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