Review: A Fortunate Blizzard by L.C. Chase

Note: This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

"Figures, doesn't it? I'd end up meeting someone I could see a future with on the same day I'm told how little of a future I actually have left."

An artist and a lawyer meet in a hotel bar during the worst blizzard to ever hit Colorado and make a connection that neither one of them anticipated ever making. The connection may begin as physical, but with hours spent getting to know one another, it's possible that this could be the beginning of something much more for both Trevor Morrison and Marcus Roberts. But time waits for no one, and it's a lesson that Trevor has had to learn the hard way. He's willing to walk away from Marc if only to not saddle him down with the life Trevor has been forced to lead, yet Marc isn't willing to let the possibility of forever with the only man who's made him want more go. They'll both have to believe if they hope to overcome the odds.

With more and more Christmas stories hitting bookshelves, I'm always on the look out for something that sets itself apart. One of the best I've read and reviewed is A Fortunate Blizzard, a M/M contemporary romance and my very first from author L.C. Chase. Trevor Morrison receives news that puts his life on hold, not knowing how far along he can really plan. On the other hand, Marc Roberts is focused on one goal and that's to make partner at his law firm and he refuses to let anything distract him from it. It takes one historic blizzard to put these two men in each other's path and while it may seem as if their meeting is ill-timed because of where they are at this point in their lives, time will prove that they were fated to meet.

Trevor and Marc began as the archetypes they represented--Trevor the sensitive and creative artist and Marc the logical and ambitious lawyer. But as their love story progressed, they broke the mold and showed that, just like the tale they were entangled in, they had far more depth than you would think. They both have certain things that the other hasn't got--Trevor has a supportive and loving family and was always able to pursue his dream of becoming an artist, but he has health issues that you wouldn't wish on anyone, while Marc is financially secure and is on track to achieving the next wrung on his climb up the ladder of success, but he lacks the family life he's always craved, one that would have supported his dream.

This story could have taken the easiest path, one that would have a guaranteed albeit expected type of happily-ever-after. I admit that I saw this going one way and was pleasantly surprised when the author took it in a direction I didn't see coming. While this may not be an overly long book, it gives you everything that you could want. It was difficult for me not to fall in love with both Trevor and Marc and their love story because they were great guys who found what they were looking for at the supposedly wrong time, and had to make the life-changing decision of whether they would fight for a chance, one that had no guarantees, at a future together. L.C. Chase's A Fortunate Blizzard is a five-plus-starred Christmas read. ♥

Release Date: 02 November 2015

Date Read: 02 November 2015

Learn more about L.C. Chase.

Purchase A Fortunate Blizzard on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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