Review: ISO: In Search Of by Lucy Lennox & Molly Maddox (After Oscar #4)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the authors.

I've been ISO, i.e. in search of, the next book in the After Oscar series ever since the third one was published more than three years ago. Well, the search is officially over because Lucy Lennox and Molly Maddox have just released book four, and wouldn't you know it, the title just happens to be ISO: In Search Of. Wink, wink. Okay, obviously, I knew what the title was, and I was trying to be all cutesy about it. This is the penultimate novel in the series, meaning the next one will be the fifth and final one (and yes, it'll be Oscar's much awaited story!). But I digress! Before I get all those bittersweet feels because this highly entertaining and endearing series will be wrapping up, allow me to laud this newest addition because Boone Hammond (aka Oscar Overton's high school sweetheart and childhood best friend) and Richard Dunning's (aka James Allen's ex-boyfriend in By the Way, After Oscar #3) romance is a fab read!

Forty-one-year-old Boone Hammond is desperate enough for help around Silver Fork Ranch that he accepts his old friend's "recommendation". However, one look at Richard Dunning and it's clear that the twenty-nine-year-old knows nothing about being a ranch hand or plain, ol' manual labor in general. But Boone needs the extra pair of hands and Richard needs the work, especially after he quit working for his father and was summarily cut off from any funds. Wyoming is as far from the life in New York that Richard knew, but he refuses to up and quit and prove to his ex's ex and still close friend that Richard is nothing more than a spoiled brat who isn't worthy of much. On the surface, this looked like a disaster waiting to happen, but neither Boone nor Richard thought this would be exactly what they both needed.

Boy, did Lucy Lennox and Molly Maddox reward our patience with what turned out to be a truly fun-filled read. Grumpy/sunshine is one of my favorite tropes, and the whole opposites attract thing was strong with these two main characters. I loved seeing how far Richard came while still keeping that kind heart of his intact. He and Boone just clicked once they got out of their own way, and Boone letting go and truly going after what--who--wanted most was so darn gratifying. Not only was Boone and Richard's romance that great mix of heat and heart, but readers get to know a wee bit more about Oscar's history. I read ISO: In Search Of in one go, and was left feeling I'd found what I was looking for in a romance. Five stars.


Read my reviews for the After Oscar series:

IRL: In Real Life (book one) - five stars - My Review

LOL: Laugh Out Loud (book two) - five stars - My Review

BTW: By the Way (book three) - five stars - My Review

ISO: In Search Of (book four) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 24 October 2023

Date Read: 22 October 2023

Learn more about Lucy Lennox and Molly Maddox.

Pre-order ISO: In Search Of on Amazon.


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