Review: Break Point by Rachel Blaufeld

Note: This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

After having read the first part of Break Point when it was originally released as part of a multi-authored anthology about teacher-student affairs last year, I was counting the weeks before I could finally find out what happened between former professional tennis player turned college tennis team coach Andrew King and college student and tennis player Juliette Smith after their lives went in separate directions. Author Rachel Blaufeld released this as a full novel, so if you weren't able to read the story in the anthology, you'll get everything you need with this version.

Juliette Smith's transfer to a new university gave her hope for a fresh start after everything that happened to her before. Her love for tennis and the fact that she's a gifted player makes her one to watch on the school's team, and her new coach, Andrew King, is playing close attention. Maybe too close, because soon, Jules and Drew cross a line they both know they shouldn't have. When Drew makes the decision to leave, Jules is bereft, but then she herself is forced to make changes. When they meet seven years after, will either one break point and hold an advantage?

I confess that I was really ticked off with how Drew handled things between them when he was still her coach. He may have honestly believed he was making the right decision, but running away from your problems isn't really solving it. I felt bad for Jules, especially when she's left with no choice but to handle things on her own. But my, how the tables have turned! When they see each other again, my heart went out to Drew and Jules seriously had issues and was acting more like an immature brat than the more responsible woman she was now supposed to be.

I don't want to give away too many details, though if you've read the prequel via the anthology, you'll already know what Jules was facing. Let's just say that while I wasn't a huge fan of how she decided to handle the reunion with Drew, I do admire Jules taking charge of her life and making the most of her circumstances in order to create the best possible home life. Darla was a scene-stealer and for you to find out why, well then, get a-reading, people! If you're a fan of second chance romances with a teacher-student slant to it, give Break Point a shot. It gets 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 07 January 2017

Learn more about Rachel Blaufeld.

Purchase Break Point on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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