Book Spotlight: Tell Me a Fantasy by Tamara Lush

Tell Me a Fantasy
(Story #6)
by Tamara Lush
Date Released: January 17, 2017

About Tell Me a Fantasy
Samantha Citrouille’s anxiety won’t stop her from attending London Fashion Week and collecting a lifetime industry award. After all, when iconic designer Karl Lagerfield requests your presence at an exclusive party, you have to jump on a plane. Even if you’re deathly afraid of flying.

While white-knuckling it on the turbulent flight from Florida, Samantha's seated in business class next to a handsome stranger named Colin. His low, smooth voice helps calm her nerves. But her panic reaches its peak when the plane is forced to land in Iceland due to mechanical failure. Distraught, she's horrified to discover that all hotels are booked due to a summer solstice festival. As the world’s top designer of tropical resort clothing, Samantha—known as Sam C. to her legions of fans—is used to luxury at her Palm Beach estate, not sleeping on airport benches with only a pashmina wrap for a blanket.

Her impossibly sexy seat-mate Colin kindly offers to share his accommodations, because a business contact owns a sleek pied-à-terre in Reykjavik. Samantha, emotionally wrung out, agrees for what she thinks is one quick night.

A freak volcano eruption forces Samantha and Colin to stay in the Icelandic capitol for a long weekend, and the two have nothing better to do than share cocktails, bare their past sins in conversation, and indulge in each other under the midnight sun. 

But things become complicated after their idyllic fantasy weekend together. Colin, a self-described modern-day rake, is sure he’s finally found the woman of his dreams. But Samantha, who has her own fears and ghosts of the past, isn’t so certain. She'd rather fly around the world, twice, than have her heart broken again.

Read my five-starred review of Tell Me a Fantasy.

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About the Story series
Tell Me a Story (episode one)
A flirtatious reading of erotica blossoms into something deep and tender in the steamy Florida heat...

Emma, a free-spirited bookstore owner in Orlando, keeps her business afloat with innovative ideas. Her most popular evening event is Story Brothel, where customers can pay writers to read aloud to them in a story-time for two, complete with cocktails. Despite the name, the event is usually tame. But things take a steamy turn when a handsome, urbane businessman hires Emma for a session in a private cabana. Daringly, she shares with him a reading of her erotica. Soon both of them are feeling the effects ... and Emma's wondering what kind of lover is underneath his expensive suit.

Caleb may be a billionaire real estate mogul, but he's never been captivated by a woman as he is by the lovely, quirky Emma. Her rockabilly vintage dresses make him long to strip them off and do very wicked things to her. And her refusal to share her personal life only makes him more curious.

Soon the couple are spending every available moment together. But Emma's building is in danger of being razed out from under her bookstore ... and worse, Caleb may be behind her problems. Can she trust him with her life as she does with her body? Or will the prickly walls built during her harsh past keep them apart?


Tell Me a Desire (episode two)
Emma and Caleb spend nearly all their free time enjoying each other sensually, but she wonders how permanent their relationship will be.

Emma's beloved Orlando bookstore is saved, thanks to Caleb's quick actions. She's caught up in a dizzying whirl of work and play, between her business, his palatial condo and the romantic getaways her handsome real estate mogul plans. But her 35th birthday brings not only sweet gifts, but the bitter realization that if she's going to have a family, it has to be now. She wants forever, but what about Caleb?

Caleb is in love for the first time in his life, and he can't do enough for his raven-haired temptress. He's happy living in the now, showering her with gifts to make up for her childhood, spent in poverty. But when Emma brings up the future, it becomes clear that she's not the only one with a past that can rear up and threaten their happiness. Despite all the daring exploration he persuades her into, marriage may just be his hard limit. Will he find a way past his darkest fears?


Tell Me a Lie (episode three)
These lovers are living their happy ever after ... but is it really forever? 

Caleb and Emma are married, expecting, and madly in love. But one separation may rip it all apart. Will he be coming home again ... or is everything she believes a lie?

Emma has her dream wedding to Caleb, in the exotic beauty of a Florida resort and museum. Married to her soulmate, carrying his child, now her only obstacle is persuading him to stop treating her like a fragile vessel. Her pregnancy has elevated her desire for him to a craving, and she lives for their time alone.

Caleb can't believe his good fortune. Emma is his forever, and she's going to give him a child. When her doctor informs them the pregnancy is high-risk, he's even more determined to surround his woman with everything she needs or wants. Finally convincing her to take time off from her bookstore, he can relax a little.

But as head of the family business empire, Caleb must travel to Brazil to supervise the opening of a new building. Torn between duty and love, he allows Emma to convince him to go. And all goes well ... until the day he walks out of his hotel and disappears without a trace. What has happened to Caleb?


Tell Me a Desire (episode four)
He promised her forever, but now he's gone … leaving her searching for the truth. 

A pregnant wife struggles to remain true to her marriage after her husband's mysterious disappearance. But as she must bear their child and go on without him, she wonders how long she can wait.

Caleb is gone. Somehow he disappeared from the new business complex in Brazil, leaving no trace. With all the millions at his family's command, neither company security, the police or private detectives can find him. Was he kidnapped or murdered … or did he walk away of his own free will? 

Emma nearly goes mad with grief, only the necessity to keep her baby safe and well helping her hang on. Her sleep is plagued with erotic dreams and nightmares, all starring Caleb. Her days are spent wondering and waiting for any scrap of news. Adding to her pain, the Brazilian police probe for illicit secrets that may have drawn Caleb away. Only his siblings and her best friend help her hang on. 

But when Emma must bear Caleb's daughter without him at her side, she realizes Caleb may never come home. Can she make a life for herself and her daughter with his family, even with the huge hole in their midst? And what happens when his younger brother Colin ignites conflict that she alone can resolve? 

Secrets may have taken Caleb from her … but what about her own secrets?


Tell Me a Truth (episode five)
A flirtatious reading of erotica blossoms into something deep and tender in the steamy Florida heat... 

The Story series is a five-episode novel. It's like an old-school newspaper serial narrative, but with sexytimes. You can read an episode in a couple of hours, while at the pool or on the beach. Because each episode is short, it's perfect for reading on your phone.

The story is about Emma, a bookstore owner and erotica writer. She meets Caleb, a wealthy developer, at a literary event in Orlando—the home of the fairy tale. He pays her to read him a story, and their journey begins. The episodes are about lust, love and temptation, and also about marriage, memory and destiny.

Emma and Caleb's journey continues in this passionate conclusion to the Story series.

My Review
Tell Me a Story: The Complete Novel

Tell Me a Story | Tell Me a Desire | Tell Me a Lie | Tell Me a Secret | Tell Me a Truth

Amazon Purchase Links
Tell Me a Story | Tell Me a Desire | Tell Me a Lie | Tell Me a Secret | Tell Me a Truth

B&N Purchase Links
Tell Me a Story | Tell Me a Desire | Tell Me a Lie | Tell Me a Secret | Tell Me a Truth

iBooks Purchase Links
Tell Me a Story | Tell Me a Desire | Tell Me a Lie | Tell Me a Secret | Tell Me a Truth

Kobo Purchase Links
Tell Me a Story | Tell Me a Desire | Tell Me a Lie | Tell Me a Secret | Tell Me a Truth

About Tamara Lush
Tamara Lush was born in California and raised in Vermont. She graduated from Emerson College in Boston with a degree in journalism. For her entire adult life, she’s worked as a reporter and is currently an award-winning correspondent in Florida with The Associated Press. She lives with her Italian husband and two bad dogs near the beach.

She was recently chosen as one of 24 writers for the Amtrak Residency program, and in 2017, she’ll be riding trains and writing romance novels.

Her most recent novel, a five-episode serial called Tell Me a Story, has “an engaging voice, sexy heroes and heroines and a wry sense of humor,” according to New York Times bestselling author Beth Kery.

Tamara is a fan of vintage pulp fiction book covers, Sinatra-era jazz, 1980s fashion, tropical chill, kombucha, gin, tonic, beaches, iPhone photography, Art Deco, telenovelas, coloring books, street art, coconut anything, strong coffee, and newspapers.

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