Cover Reveal: Plus One by M.N. Forgy writing as Missy Blake

Plus One
by M.N. Forgy
writing as Missy Blake
Release  Date: January 30, 2017

About Plus One
No feelings.

No lies of calling the next day, and no empty promises of not banging anyone’s mother.

If I could act like I’ve never met a set of twins I screwed on the same night, thinking they were the same person, then I could do this.

It was the perfect set up for a fake relationship and it was simple.

We faked our smiles, we faked our laughs; hell, we even faked our love. It wasn’t real.

But that kiss was anything but fake, and the orgasm was anything but pretend.

Somehow my plus one had become more, and now I’m standing here with my underwear around my ankles wondering what in the hell to do next.

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An Exclusive Excerpt from Plus One
“Sign it? Really? We’re going that far?” I narrow my eyes.

“Yes, sign it,” he declares seriously. “We have to make this look and feel real if anyone is going to believe it. But we need to protect ourselves in the process. So this paper is a reminder that we won’t break these rules. Rules that will keep us within an inch of crossing the line from fake to a real couple,” he informs, making more sense than I pegged him for.

I snatch it from him, looking it over.

No falling in love with me. Even though you’ll really want to.

No sleeping in bed because Rae wants me to wear her legs like earmuffs.

No sex because Rae has an eighties bush and something might bite me.

No kissing on the mouth because Rae wants me to kiss her somewhere else.

I roll my eyes. “Your ego is obviously bigger than your brain,” I opine.

“But not as big as something else.” He winks like the devil and I avert my eyes back to the paper in fear I’ll look at his package. It’s hard. Keeping my self-control intact that is…

About Missy Blake

Bestselling author M.N. Forgy known for her suspense gritty romances has decided to take a walk on a different side of things writing under pen name Missy Blake.

Missy Blake is the perfect outlet to express her sassy, funny, romantic side of M.N. Forgy.

So with a glass of wine in her hand, she trudges forward to deliver the perfect book boyfriend in a variety of worlds.

Connect with Missy

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