Book and Author Spotlight: What Remains by Garrett Leigh

What Remains
by Garrett Leigh
Release Date: July 04, 2016
Riptide Publishing

About What Remains
Web designer Jodi Peters is a solitary creature. Lunch twice a week with his ex-girlfriend-turned-BFF and the occasional messy venture to a dodgy gay bar is all the company he needs, right?

Then one night he stumbles across newly divorced firefighter Rupert O’Neil. Rupert is lost and lonely, but just about the sweetest bloke Jodi has ever known. Add in the heady current between them, and Jodi can’t help falling hard in love. He offers Rupert a home within the walls of his cosy Tottenham flat—a sanctuary to nurture their own brand of family—and for four blissful years, life is never sweeter.

Until a cruel twist of fate snatches it all away. A moment of distraction leaves Jodi fighting for a life he can’t remember and shatters Rupert’s heart. Jodi doesn’t know him—or want to. With little left of the man he adores, Rupert must cling to what remains of his shaky faith and pray that Jodi can learn to love him again.

Read my five-plus-starred review of What Remains.

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About Garrett Leigh
Garrett Leigh is a British writer and book designer, currently working for Dreamspinner Press, Loose Id, Riptide Publishing, and Black Jazz Press. Her protagonists will always always be tortured, crippled, broken, and deeply flawed. Throw in a tale of enduring true love, some stubbly facial hair, and a bunch of tattoos, and you’ve got yourself a Garrett special.

When not writing, Garrett can generally be found procrastinating on Twitter, cooking up a storm, or sitting on her behind doing as little as possible. That, and dreaming up new ways to torture her characters. Garrett believes in happy endings; she just likes to make her boys work for it.

Garrett also works as a freelance cover artist for various publishing houses and independent authors under the pseudonym G.D. Leigh. For cover art info, please visit or email

Connect with Garrett

A Q&A with Garrett Leigh
1. What was your inspiration behind What Remains?

Someone very close to me has an old TBI (22 yrs) so I’ve always wanted to explore the lasting effects of such injuries and the impact they have on loved ones. Also, I watched Crash Reel which sent the existing plot bunny into overdrive.

2. Which two actors would you cast as or who you believe best physically represent Jodi Peters and Rupert O'Neil?

Oh, gosh. I have no idea. Jodi is on the cover, obviously, but I’ve never really pictured Rupert. I suppose when I think of him I get more a feeling of his strong arms around Jodi, rather than a tangible image.

3. Given a choice, would rather be in Jodi's shoes or Rupert's and why?
4. If the universe gave you a choice to continue living your life with all your memories intact--the good and the bad--or to start over fresh, which path would take and why?

I think I’d rather be in Jodi’s shoes, despite the pain he goes through, because Rupert’s suffering is so heartbreaking, I’m not sure I’d survive it. And I’m quite happy—at the moment—to carry on with the memories I have.  Yeah, I’ve got some shit ones, but we make more every moment we live, right?

5. Quite a few authors have formed writing duos. Which author would you jump at the opportunity to work with, whether it be a one-time thing or an on-going series?

Totally LA Witt or Santino Hassell. They write the books I want to read AND want to write. Think you could set it up for me?

6. If you could spend a whole weekend doing whatever you chose, free of personal and professional responsibilities, where would you go and what would you do?

I’d teleport my family back to our most recent holiday in Kefalonia—this time taking our animals with us—and do nothing but eat, swim, and read in the sun. <3

7. What words of inspiration would you give authors who aspire to be like you?

If they aspire to be like me, then I’d tell them to aim higher…also, I’d tell them that a review that cares enough to criticize choices your characters make isn’t a bad review. Even if they’ve one-starred it, your characters spoke loudly enough to annoy them…so you won.


Note: Thank you to Garrett Leigh for taking the time to answer my questions and to Kelly Miller of Riptide Publishing for facilitating.

To celebrate the release of What Remains, Garrett is giving away $25 in Riptide Publishing credit. Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on July 9, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the blog tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!

Follow the What Remains blog tour.


  1. Fun interview!


  2. Some really great questions AND answers. Thank you!

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

  3. Thank you for sharing how the story came about. Great Q&A =)
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  4. Really like the Q & A, and def. want to read this book!

  5. Great interview and review!
    ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. Thanks for the interview and the review! And good luck with the new release!


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