Review: Fall Back Skyward by Autumn Grey (Fall Back #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Fall Back Skyward is the first novel in the new Fall Back series from author Autumn Grey and is an adult contemporary romance with young adult slash new adult portions composed of several chapters that provides the backstory of Cole Holloway and Eleanor Blake, who fell in love when he was eighteen and waiting to head off to college and she was seventeen and she and her family become the Holloways's new neighbors. When they become a part of each other's lives, Nor's abusive father makes it clear that he doesn't want Cole anywhere near his daughter, but his reasons behind it were more personal than either of the lovers could have imagined. When her father's machinations tear Nor and Cole apart, it takes nine years, nine letters, and another inevitable but great loss for the two of them to meet again. Can Cole ever learn to trust Nor after the betrayal she and Cole's brother Josh handed him right before he chose to turn his back on his life and family? This is a story of second chances and the power of one true and lasting love.

Overall, this was a good series starter and it progressed in a way that was different, albeit much lengthier than I thought necessary. To call Cole and Nor's love story "complicated" would be an understatement. Even after all the explanations were given, and I concede that they were mostly valid and understandable, I had this niggling feeling of irritation when it came to why Nor and Josh stayed together for as long as they did. They both claimed to love Cole and yet their actions even after Nor's father was no longer in the picture made no sense to me. They were perpetuating a lie because even though they did love one another in a platonic way and they were doing it for two far more important individuals (you'll have to read the book to learn who I'm talking about), they could have tried harder to locate Cole and talk to him. Yes, letters were sent, but then that meant they knew where he was at one point or another. They got the information from someone, so why not ask for a phone number? I had quite a few questions in my head.

There was one other thing that bothered me and it had to do with everything that happened between Cole and Nor after the events concerning Josh. Maybe it was too much of me to expect a grace period? I dunno. I just had this uncomfortable feeling in my chest and while the happily-ever-after in this book was expectedly going to be reserved for Cole and Nor, I wish a bit more time had passed. I know nine years plus the two that Cole spent in prison could be considered more than enough time, but come on. And I realize that Josh asked Nor to put herself first--to do something for herself first--this second go-around, but still... Maybe it's just me. *shrug* The chapter told from Sirius's point of view was...weird. Overall, though, and I don't want to take into consideration the editing hiccups because this was, after all, an advanced reading copy so I hope those were dealt with prior to publication, the book was a pretty good read but I did feel a disconnect at times with both the main characters. Fall Back Skyward gets 3.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 09 May 2016

Learn more about Autumn Grey.

Purchase Fall Back Skyward on Amazon.


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