Review: Bet On Me by Mia Hoddell

Note: This ARC was provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Bet On Me is a standalone contemporary romance novel with some suspense thrown in and was written by Mia Hoddell. We have two twentysomethings, Alaya Matthews and Cole Ashford, who meet while traveling to France on a train. They're both on the run: Alaya from the stifling and mundane expectations her parents and those around them have set before her and Cole from the consequences of his actions over the past seven years. She entices Cole to experience the kind of freedom and adventure that she craves, and from the moment they make their first wager on the train, the two engage in a game of one-upmanship, betting on the mundane and meaningful, growing closer with each passing day. Neither one of them is looking to fall in love, but that's exactly what whether they're ready for the experience or not. When Cole's past comes looking for him demanding retribution, it's highly possible that not even the light that Alaya offers the darkness within him can save him. But could Alaya's own life be at risk from his past?

This book has the romance and the suspense, but it's the adventure that Alaya and Cole embark upon that makes it a good read. They're both on the run from life as they know it but for different reasons. Alaya and Cole are an interesting couple and contrasting and comparing the two highlights that they're exactly what the other one needs. What was supposed to be solo trips for both had Alaya and Cole coming together and finding unexpected adventure instead. That's what made it feel as if it was kismet, unintentional and unforced. Their story is a pretty easygoing read, even with all the suspense and tension thrown in to keep you on your toes and adding a bit of excitement in the process. This is my third Mia Hoddell read and I certainly have no complaints about either her writing or the stories that she shares with her readers. This makes it way easier to decide on whether to say yes to reading and reviewing her work because she has yet to disappoint me. If you're looking for a satisfying read this weekend, give the four-star Bet On Me a shot. ♥

Date Read: 27 May 2016

Learn more about Mia Hoddell.

Purchase Bet On Me on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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