Book Blast: Boy Banned by RJ Scott

Boy Banned
RJ Scott
Date Released: May 27, 2016
Cover Art: Meredith Russell
Love Lane Books

About Boy Banned
When the only way to win is to hide who you are, how far are you prepared to go?

Reuben “Angel” Jacobs is one step away from giving it all up. Losing a place in the live finals of Sing UK almost kills him. He has no choice but to go home and work for the family business, even though it means giving up his dreams and proving his old bullies right. 

Corey Dixon is a rocker at heart. Being on the spectrum means that making sense of other people’s ‘normal’ is hard in itself, let alone in the chaos of a high-powered competition. Singing is his safe space, the only way he can think through the noise in his head. Messing up his audition for the live shows means his journey is over, and it’s the worst day of his life.

The judges throw them a lifeline and create a boy band from the near-miss hopefuls. Angel, Corey, and three others are put together in a room and offered the chance to sing as a group. Agreeing to become part of the new band means Corey has to hide who he is and what Angel has come to mean to him.

Is winning worth the price Corey and Angel have to pay?



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An Excerpt from Boy Banned
“Am I okay here?” Corey asked as he sat on the arm of Angel’s chair.

He looked and smelled amazing, his hair soft around his smooth, stubble-free face and his eyes bright with life. He smelled of the shower gel that had been provided in their shower, some exotic mix including a hint of mango, if Angel remembered rightly. Whatever it was, Corey looked and smelled good enough to eat.

Angel nodded, unable to voice his assent while fighting off an inopportune erection, and covered his embarrassment by stealing a slice of crispy bacon from Corey’s plate. Seemed Corey had some kind of magnetic effect on him. What was it about the cute rocker that attracted him? Was it the ring in his lip that would feel all kinds of hot on Corey’s cock, or the way his blue eyes looked so icy, or his expression so hard to read? Whatever it was, Angel was lusting. Hard.

They sat in companionable silence and let Scott and Toby’s good-natured bickering wash over them.

“What do you think our chances are?” Angel finally asked, quietly enough so that only Corey would hear him.

Corey narrowed his eyes and cast a look around the room. “I think we’ll slide to Week 3 easily enough, based on the votes for us individually. Our biggest rivals in the band section are Diva Babes. The winner will be Hannah Isaacs, and James Turner is pissed at us for some reason.”

Angel snorted a laugh. Corey said all of that so seriously, but he’d clearly been considering a lot. “What
about past Week 3?”

Corey shrugged. “Still think we’re fucked.”

Someone whistled loudly to get everyone’s attention.

The producer stood at the edge of the kitchen, flanked by a small army of people. Angel recognized Roger ‘I’ve Heard Them All’ Moore in among the group, stylists one and two, and others he’d seen around the studios during filming.

“Okay, guys, heads up,” the producer began. “We have six full days, and the theme for Week 1 is Musical Heroes.” He paused and waited for the hubbub that was inevitably going to erupt, then stilled it with another whistle and a wave of his arm. “We’re talking any song you want, any artist, any style. But you’re to present three choices to your mentors, as well as ideas on choreography and wardrobe, and they need it by 10:00 a.m.” He checked his watch. “That is one hour from now, so I suggest we break this up and you get to thinking. Except you, Wildcard. You get extra time because you were late to the house and need space to gel.”

Everyone scattered really fast, but Wildcard, the five of them, were a lot slower on the uptake. Angel assumed the rest of them were in as much shock as he was. An hour to consider song choice? Well, more than an hour, or so the producer said.

“How much extra time do we get?” DK asked sensibly.

The producer looked at them levelly. “Fifteen minutes,” he said in a dry tone.

In less than ten seconds, Angel was sprinting back to their room, the rest of the band behind him.


About RJ Scott
My goal is to write stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, that hint of a happily ever after.

I've has been writing since age six, when I was made to stay in at lunchtime for an infraction involving cookies and the mixing bowl. You can't tell a six year old not to lick the bowl! 

I was told to write a story and two sides of paper about a trapped princess later, a lover of writing was born.

As an avid reader myself, I can be found reading anything from thrillers to sci-fi to horror. However, my first real true love will always be the world of romance. I love my cowboys, bodyguards, firemen and billionaires (to name a few) and love to write dramatic and romantic stories of love and passion between these men. (Yum)

With over 90 titles to my name and counting, I am the author of the award winning book, The Christmas Throwaway, which was All Romance ebooks's best selling title of 2010.

I'm also known for the Texas series charting the lives of Riley and Jack, and the Sanctuary series following the work of the Sanctuary Foundation and the people it protects.

I'm always so thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers. Please contact via the following links below.

-- RJ Scott

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing, and the lovely review :) XXXX


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