Book Spotlight: Loud and Clear by Aidan Wayne

Loud and Clear
by Aidan Wayne
Release Date: May 23, 2016
Riptide Publishing

About Loud and Clear
Jaxon is getting by fine, severe dyslexia or not. Being a cab driver means he doesn’t need to read much, and the job has its perks. The pay isn’t bad, the people can be interesting, and having memorized the city streets keeps him from feeling too stupid.

When he picks up Caleb, a quiet fare in a nice suit, Jaxon doesn't think anything of it. Then he ends up driving Caleb home the next week too, and the next, and the next. Eventually Caleb tries to communicate—by writing things down. Turns out that Caleb has such a bad stutter he spends most of his time mute.

If only Jaxon had an easier time reading what Caleb had to say. But he’s interested in trying, and Caleb seems interested back. They discover that, with a little bit of effort, it isn’t so hard to make themselves understood. Especially when what’s growing between them is definitely worth talking about.

Read my 4.5-starred review of Loud and Clear.

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A Note from Aidan Wayne on Dyslexia
So. Dyslexia.

The thing about dyslexia is that it is literally everywhere. It's one of the most common language based learning disabilities. Chances are you went to school with dozens of kids who had issues reading. Or maybe you were one of them. Either way, no matter how common it actually is, the people with dyslexia don't get a lot of positive press where the media is concerned. 

I think that's a real shame. The less time something spends in the spotlight, the more time it spends being invisible. Something to hide, or ignore, or, even worse, feel terrible about. I have a good friend who is so dyslexic he is illiterate. As in, can't read. At all. And he and his parents spent years being told that he was stupid and wouldn't be able to do much with his life. So his parents did the smart thing and pulled him out of school, spending time and effort actually teaching him in ways he could learn.

My friend, now grown and married, still can't read. But he graduated with honors with a degree in Engineering. He has an interesting job he enjoys. He and his wife are currently renovating their new house themselves, because he's also one of the best handymen you'll ever meet. Oh, and he reads all the time; he just uses his ears instead of his eyes. Audiobooks are a wonderful thing.

"Stupid" is an ugly word. My character Jaxon, in Loud and Clear, spent a lot of time hearing it growing up, and he didn't have the resources my friend did. 

You hear something often enough, you believe it.

You don't hear the success stories, you believe there aren't any.

I think that it is so, so very important to create stories that spotlight people who have differences. And do it one better, and give those character happy endings. Sure, I include the struggle. That's a part of their lives too, and a necessary addition to the narrative. But I don't tend to make that the main plot. They deserve so much more than that! I’d much rather think of those differences as being a part of their lives, not being their lives. Success stories happen all the time. Let’s spread ‘em around a little.

About Aidan Wayne
Aidan Wayne is a big believer in character-driven stories with happy endings. This is not to say that stories can’t contain a little (or a lot) of grief, just that at the end of it all expect there to be bandages and hugs. They particularly like to write about minority characters because damn it, they deserve happy endings too.

When not writing, Aidan enjoys practicing aerial, martial arts, and ASL, and watching reality cooking shows. They are probably in the middle of twelve projects as you read this.

Connect with Aidan

To celebrate the release of Loud and Clear, Aidan is giving away $15 in Riptide credit. Leave a comment to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on May 28, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!

Follow the Loud and Clear blog tour.


  1. Informative post, and I appreciate the review!

    Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

  2. Wonderful post and review! Thank you so much. I can't wait to read it!

    ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. Thank you for the post! I can relate to Jaxon and being called stupid and can't agree more that it is a ugly ugly word.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  4. Congrats on the new release! I look forward to reading it.


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