Book Spotlight: Moth by Jennifer Foor

by Jennifer Foor
Date Released: April 25, 2016

About Moth
After his stepbrother is found murdered following a drug deal gone wrong, DEA agent Timothy (MOTH) Douglas goes undercover to take down the people responsible.

Posing as a college student, he sets out to learn more about his estranged younger sibling, infiltrating his circle of friends to further help the investigation.

The moment he meets Windy Lewis he knows she holds the answers.

MOTH pretends to be interested in the mysterious woman, only to fall victim to his own desires. For the first time in his career his personal feelings take him down a road he may never come back from.

When MOTH gets in too deep he will have to make a choice.

Justice or Love

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An Excerpt from Moth
Right now I don’t give a shit who this chick is. I’m not treating her like a criminal, a victim, or a possible lead. Right now she’s just a beautiful woman I’m dying to fuck. With each stroke of her tongue I’m being hypnotized. She’s wrapping me around her little finger, and if I’m not careful I might get lost in this. It’s too good. She’s too perfect. Her kisses match mine like we’re old lovers. Her hands caress my arms as if she’s done this a thousand times. The more I try to back away the harder it becomes to even consider it. I’m a fiend. She’s my drug. I want to be addicted, because a single kiss has never felt this good.

One kiss. That’s all it takes for this chick to bring me to my knees. As much as I know I need to run out of there and clear my head, I remain. I don’t care about the backlash I’ll get from the guys. I don’t care about the danger, or her real identity. I’m living a lie because I know it’s the only way I can be close to her. My head is in my ass, and as long as it stays there I can continue carrying on this charade.

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About Jennifer Foor
A Maryland native who spends most of her time devising a plan to live off the land on some remote island, where no one will ever find her.

She is a married mother of two kids, who may or may not drive her completely bonkers. In her spare time she enjoys shooting pool, camping and spending time with friends and family.

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