Review: Second Down Darling by Lex Martin (Varsity Dads #4)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions.

I didn't think it was possible, but Charlotte Darling and Jacob Ramirez are giving Gabriela Duran and Rider Kingston a run for their money. Gabby and Rider are the OG when it comes to Lex Martin's Varsity Dads series, and they've remained my favorite couple...until now. Okay, they're still my favorite, but Charlie and Jake were THIS close to nudging them from the top spot. Second Down Darling was about these two best friends who became estranged till fate (and a second school transfer) brought them back in each other's lives.

Charlotte Darling and Jacob Ramirez met when they were fourteen, and became the closest of friends. Charlie has been nursing a crush on Jake for years, but ends up crushed when Jake not only hooks up with her older sister, but gets her pregnant as well. She tries to be supportive, setting her own feelings aside, yet her sister pushes her too far, leaving Charlie with no other recourse than to transfer to Lone Star State University, putting a few hundred miles between them. For two years, she moves on while missing her best friend and her nephew. Then she hears about the school's new wide receiver, and the last thing Jake wants is to be around Charlie, but circumstances keep bringing them together.

Ah, I enjoyed Charlie and Jake's romance! I appreciated that there wasn't this immediate lovefest of a reunion between them. After all, certain events led to their estrangement, and clearing the air was necessary for them to bridge that gap. Now, I know there are some people who may frown upon their romantic relationship, given the fact that not only was Jake Charlie's sister's ex, but that they shared a child together. However, certain extenuating circumstances are at play here, plus Charlie's sister is simply horrible. Charlie and Jake were meant to be, and Second Down Darling is meant to have five stars.


Read my reviews for the Varsity Dads series:

The Varsity Dad Dilemma (book one) - five stars - My Review

Tight Ends & Tiaras (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review

The Baby Blitz (book three) - 4.5 stars - My Review

Second Down Darling (book four) - five stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 07 August 2023

Date Read: 02 August 2023

Learn more about Lex Martin.

Purchase Second Down Darling on Amazon.


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