Review: The Voices Are Back by Lani Lynn Vale (Gator Bait MC #5)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Uplifting Author Services.

The Voices Are Back is the fifth book in what is currently my favorite series from Lani Lynn Vale, Gator Bait MC. The main characters this go-around are Morrigan St. Pete and Aodhan McBanks, best friends turned lovers who went their separate ways after the latter ended things with the former because he wanted her to follow her dreams of becoming a doctor. Yep, a "self-sacrificing" male who thought he was doing what was "best" for the person he loved. Sigh. Suffice it to say I'm not a fan of main characters like this, especially in this day and age, but Aodhan was actually a good guy with a big heart who was simply misguided. Theirs was a second-chance romance without as much suspense as the first four novels had. 

There is no denying that Morrigan and Aodhan were honest-to-goodness great characters in terms of their personality. They were easily likable and wanting them to get to their happily-ever-after was a no-brainer. And while most of their story was highly entertaining, what with the author's usual brand of off-the-wall issues the main characters have to face, there were a few of things that gave me pause. I have no issue with Aodhan having been previously married and having a child together with his ex; what I did find curious was the reasoning behind the marriage and pregnancy. It just didn't make sense. Then there was the whole, erm, bouquet that Morrigan was, umm, putting together for Aodhan late in the story. That was plain strange. Add to that what Aodhan's teenage son did and the response to it, and well, I was thrown for a loop. As much as I adore this series, The Voices Are Back wasn't my favorite. 3.5 stars.


Read my reviews for the Gator Bait MC series:

Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty (book one) - five stars - My Review
Good Trouble (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review
Cute But Pyscho (book three) - five stars - My Review
Annoyed at First Sight (book four) - 4.5 stars - My Review
The Voices Are Back (book five) - 3.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 08 April 2023

Learn more about Lani Lynn Vale.

Purchase The Voices Are Back on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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