Review: Destined for Me by Corinne Michaels

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the publisher.

Destined for Me is a new novella from Corinne Michaels that serves as a crossover between the worlds of her Arrowood Brothers series and her Hennington Brothers series. To label Hadley Arrowood and Cayden Benson-Hennington as "rivals" would be an understatement. He finished first in their class in law school, and she was right behind him in second. They interned at the same law firm, and while he ended up getting hired by them, she went on to work for a different prestigious law office. Now, they're on opposite sides, and this time around, Hadley refuses to be second best. She needs to win this case for her clients, and more importantly, she wants to prove herself. All she has to do is to remain focused and not be distracted by Cayden's charms. She made that mistake once before; she sure as heck is NOT looking for a repeat. Right?

These legal eagles had me soaring with a quick but intense read headlined by strong characters that had depth to them and a story that packed a lot within a limited number of pages. Hadley and Cayden had a past, and they had a great deal of back and forth, both inside and outside the confines of being lawyers. I appreciated the fact that they were just as passionate about their work as they were about each other. That push and pull and refusal to kowtow to their personal relationship made them even more interesting than they already were. This also worked quite well as a standalone, and I can say that with full confidence since I never got to read the entire Arrowood Brothers series. Destined for Me truly is Hadley and Cayden's story, and it was one that enjoyed the heck out of and that I have no qualms giving a well-earned 4.5 stars to.

Release Date: 11 April 2023

Date Read: 01 April 2023

Learn more about Corinne Michaels.

Purchase Destined for Me on Amazon.


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