Review: Shadows by Laramie Briscoe

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Buoni Amici Press.

Shadows is a new standalone from Laramie Briscoe and pairs up a graduating college student who aspires to be an investigative journalist and an up and coming mixed martial arts fighter rumored to be a single father. Isabella Winters was so close to receiving her degree when her professor throws her a curve ball by informing her that in order to graduate, she'll need to interview an MMA fighter--one notoriously known for not granting interviews with anyone. She's prepared to do whatever is necessary so as to get the dirt on the man known as Shadows, but the more she gets to know Seth Sampson, she realizes there was so much more to him than what people on campus assume. But what happens when Seth learns the truth about why Isabella decided to get close to him?

I confess that I had to suspend my disbelief a wee bit when it came to Isabella's professor deciding to disregard all her work and put the fate of her final grade on her being able to get an interview with Seth (yeah, I don't like calling him "Shadows"). That's rather unethical and I doubt such a thing would be allowed in any educational institution, but this is fiction and I've enjoyed some of this author's work, so I let it be. As far as the romance between the main characters is concerned, there were moments of heat and quite a bit of heart, and I liked seeing their journey from strangers with secrets to far more. Shadows was a rather quick read, and everything played out as expected. 3.5 stars.

Release Date: 14 April 2023

Date Read: 14 April 2023

Learn more about Laramie Briscoe.

Purchase Shadows on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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