Review: Donut Be Shy by F.G. Adams

Note: An advanced reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via L. Woods PR. 

Donut Be Shy is a novella written by F.G. Adams as part of a joint release of thirteen different stories by thirteen different authors--this endeavor is called Donut Day Collaboration--in honor of National Donut Day. So, basically, readers have a baker's dozen of stories to choose from, each one with the word "donut" in the title. For the purposes of this review, I'm only going to be focusing on one title, and that's the aforementioned Donut Be Shy. I think this is a prequel to a new series entitled Men of Lakeview, but the male main character here has appeared in novels belonging to the author's This Is Our Life series, so maybe it's a crossover. However, I'm just guessing here.

This quick read is about Tanner Mason, also known as Moose, an operative with Trident Security, and Amy Young, baking goddess and owner of The Purple PolkaDot. Tanner and Amy have an unforgettable one-night stand, but in the harsh light of the morning, Amy runs off after overhearing something Tanner said on the phone. Fast forward a year later, and Tanner is still making his regular visits to Amy's shop, intent on proving to her that they belong together. While Amy can't deny that she's still as drawn as ever to Tanner, she still hasn't gotten over the words she heard while eavesdropping. Can Tanner convince Amy they're meant to be and can she trust him with her heart?

Tanner and Amy seemed like really nice people, but I confess that I was a wee bit peeved that she chose to not have an adult conversation with him about what she heard him say on the phone. I don't think she was clueless to his intent, what with his constant presence at her shop. It got to the point that I wondered if she was purposely stringing him along because she was so hurt about what she believed he said about her. And seriously, it was such a minor thing, and not just in hindsight. The story felt choppy at times, but overall, this did end up being an okay read, and I did like how the donut symbolized something in their relationship. I'm giving Donut Be Shy three stars. ♥

Release Date: 01 June 2018

Date Read: 31 May 2018

Learn more about F.G. Adams.

Purchase Donut Be Shy on Amazon.


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