Review: Prince of Lies by Lucy Lennox

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

This! This is the kind of book I so desperately needed while I was in the throes of dealing with being sick in bed. Lucy Lennox delivered an M/M romance filled with hilarity and heart, and I simply couldn't get enough of Rowe Prince, Sebastian Dayne, and the rest of the Brotherhood. I suspect Prince of Lies is "merely" the first in a new untitled series (I'm assuming it's untitled, but then it could very well already have a name that's yet to be announced) from the wonderfully creative mind of Lennox. If it's a sign of things to come, well, consider me eager and antsy and oh-too-woefully impatient already. But, I digress!

Prince of Lies introduces readers to Thomas Rowe Prince, twenty-four and a resident of Linden, Indiana. He makes his way to the bustling and overwhelming city of New York in hopes of getting Project Daisy Chain off the ground, but rejection after rejection has left him disheartened. With his funds dwindling, Rowe's desperate enough to give his last shot everything he's got--even if it means pretending to be someone he isn't. The problem? He sucks at lying, and the first person he tries to hold a conversation with using his stolen identity happens to know that he isn't who he claims to be. Complicated much?

When the gorgeous man at a gala introduces himself as Sterling Chase, Sebastian Dayne knows all too well that he's lying through his teeth. After all, Sterling Chase is the name of the very company that thirty-year-old Bash and his four best friends founded a few years ago. But there's something about the younger man that has Bash holding back from calling him out on his deception. There's a charm to the man Bash learns is actually Rowe Prince--one that calls to Bash, no matter how hard he tries to resist. But when Rowe's true intentions appear to threaten what Bash has worked for, will true love or legacy win out?

Prince of Lies came along when I was feeling extra miserable, stuck in bed and wishing, hoping, and praying I would get over the darn dengue virus that hit me. Rowe and Bash made me laugh and swoon and left me with a book hangover that actually made me feel better. Rowe pretending to be Sterling Chase was farcical, especially because Bash knew from the get-go that Rowe wasn't who he claimed to be, and that was just part of what made this such an entertaining and refreshing read. Bash's best friends and most trusted personal assistant have me curious, and I am eager for much more from them. Five stars.

Release Date: 14 February 2023

Date Read: 11 February 2023

Learn more about Lucy Lennox.

Pre-order Prince of Lies on Amazon.


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