Review: "Shake & Bake" by Abigail Roux

Shake & Bake is the second "ficlet" in the Cut & Run series and the history behind has more to do with author Abigail Roux losing a bet to some of her fellow writers than with her wanting to actually come up with what she calls "bread porn". Hey, she may have lost the bet but Ty & Zane fans far and wide are the true winners with this quick and free read. ♥

Okay, I shall keep this review short but sweet. Shake & Bake finds Ty Brady and Zane Garrett having lunch in Zane's favorite Italian restaurant, Chiaparelli's. Lo and behold, Ryan Morelli welcomes them but directs all his enthusiasm especially for Zane. Fans will recall that Ryan has a thing for Zane, something Ty is very much aware of. Upon catching Zane looking at Ryan a split second longer than necessary, Ty decides to get his revenge with a bit of bread and a lot of dirty talk. ^.^

I laughed myself silly with this ficlet and if you don't find yourself snickering while reading it, then there's something seriously wrong with you. This so deserves a five-star rating for being compact, cute, and creative. You will never look at a loaf of bread the same way again. ♥

Note: I don't think there's an actual cover graphic for this ficlet but with a bit of Googling, I found one but there's no credit for who originally created it. If you have any idea who came up with the graphic, please drop me a line! Thank you! ^.^

Date read: 23 August 2014

Learn more about the awesomeness that is Abigail Roux here.

Read Shake & Bake for free on Ms. Roux's Tumblr.


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