Review: "Loving Lies" by Linda Kage
Loving Lies is the second book in the Granton University series by Linda Kage. The book picks up soon after the events of the first book, Fighting Fate (one of my personal favorites for 2013), so yes, reading the first installment is a must in order for you to have a better understanding of everything that happened prior. Don't worry. Fighting Fate will be worth your time. ^.^
This second installment focuses on Tess Simpson, a young woman whose heart is pure and someone who wants to be able to help out anyone in need. While volunteering at the hospital, she hears about one of the victims of the school shooting, Jonah Abbott, who is now suffering from memory loss but has had no visitors or inquiries about his condition. As she's about to check on him, he's just gotten done flinging yet another tray of food. Knowing that he's most probably frustrated at his inability to recall anything or anybody, she wants to be the sympathetic friend he needs. But when he asks her who she is, the only thing she can think of saying is she's his girlfriend.
While the premise of the story may come off as unbelievable, I suspended my own disbelief and this allowed me to fully enjoy the story. It isn't a simple story of boy has amnesia, girl pretends to be his girlfriend, they fall for each other, happy ending for all! There's a twist that happens in the first half of the book that I did not see happening. I love it when that happens because it showcases that the author took the time to think the story through and wanted it to stand out. ^.^
I figured out who Jonah was early on, thanks to something Tess' best friend, Bailey Prescott, mentioned. However, he explains why he acted the way he did prior to the school shooting and even though he could have possibly handled the situation better, the reasons behind his actions make you hold back from judging too harshly. It also makes him a sympathetic character, coming off as a wronged young man who doesn't seem to be worthy of Tess' love.
Loving Lies is a book about how lies, no matter how well intended, will always lead to certain consequences and that the truth and time can set people free. Tess and Jonah were great characters whose motivations may not have always been well thought out but both of whom only had the best of intentions at heart. Their love story is unique and creatively presented and I absolutely enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm giving it 4.5 stars! ♥
Date read: 21 September 2014
Learn more about the lovely Linda Kage here.
Grab a copy of Loving Lies and Ms. Kage's other books on Amazon | Barnes & Noble.
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