Review: Special Kind of Twisted by Lani Lynn Vale (Gator Bait MC #6)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author.

We're back in Accident, Florida with the sixth book in the Gator Bait MC series from Lani Lynn Vale. Special Kind of Twisted is the penultimate story in the series, and it features Greer Ortiz and Kyle Davis. Both thirty-two (or thereabouts based on my non-scientific calculations), there is no love lost between these two. They may share a best friend, Sara Reed, but they made a point of staying out of each other's way--easier said than done considering the fact Sara was a common denominator in their lives. Greer is a taxidermist with a budding business online, and KD is a former professional baseball player whose career came to an abrupt end when he was convicted and sent to prison. He pushes her buttons and she gets on his nerves, but when a series of unfortunate events leads them to be in each other's company for prolonged periods of time, the attraction that's been simmering boils over. The question is, where is this "thing" between them headed? Also, for how long do they assume they can hide from Sara and everyone else?

As is often the case when you read a Lani Lynn Vale romance, some fair amount of belief must be suspended. And it's fair to say that absurdity is a given, especially when it comes to quirks the main characters may have. And yet, if I'm being honest, there's just something about this series that I can't seem to resist! When Greer and KD were interacting in the first few chapters, I admit that I was skeptical about their chemistry. But later on, it was clear as day that these two had that extra bit of something that made me want to be invested in their happily-ever-after. Yes, there were a couple of cringe-worthy moments (i.e. the fallen hair on the shower wall--blech--and the mention of juices from one's orifice--ugh--were a wee bit too much for even someone like me), but all in all, the romance and the humor in the story and the recurring cast of characters won me over and kept those pages flipping for me. I'm handing Special Kind of Twisted four stars.


Read my reviews for the Gator Bait MC series:

Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty (book one) - five stars - My Review
Good Trouble (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review
Cute But Pyscho (book three) - five stars - My Review
Annoyed at First Sight (book four) - 4.5 stars - My Review
The Voices Are Back (book five) - 3.5 stars - My Review
Special Kind of Twisted (book six) - four stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 23 May 2023

Learn more about Lani Lynn Vale.

Purchase Special Kind of Twisted on Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Kobo.


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