Review: Damaged Goods by L. Wilder (Redemption #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Enticing Journey Book Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Damaged Goods is the first novel in author L. Wilder's new series, Redemption, and is a spin-off of Big, the sixth full-length novel and seventh release in the Satan's Fury MC series. If you've read Big, you'll recall a prominent peripheral character named Nitro who rescued Tristen Carmichael, one of the girls who hung around the motorcycle club, after she had been kidnapped and was being sold to the highest bidder. We got a glimpse as to the aftermath of that rescue in Big, but we get the complete story here in Damaged Goods, and it's quite a story!

Nathaniel James is no longer the boy he once was--the boy who believed in love and happy endings and how evil could never touch those he loved most. He nearly lost everyone that mattered to him years ago, and now, Nathan has become Nitro to those he's chosen to be part of his inner circle. He's achieved a great deal of success and he continues to take care of his mother, but Nathan also has one end goal in mind: revenge. But then Tristen Carmichael suddenly becomes a part of his life and Nathan's world as he knows it changes...but is it for the better?

Nathan and Tristen's relationship is an intense one, and it may seem like everything happened quickly, but the circumstances that led to their paths crossing were not exactly normal or typical by any degree, so I understand why events played out the way they did. These two took steps forward and steps backward time and again in the story--mostly on Nathan's end--but the underlying sexual tension was always present between them, so there was no question that they both wanted something more than they were probably ready to admit to for the most part.

While this can be read independently of Big, I'm glad that I read that book first because it establishes what happened when Tristen disappeared and how Nathan came to play such a huge part in her subsequent rescue. The kidnapping and rescue is mentioned here so if you do choose to not read Big, you're not necessarily going to be totally lost. This series starter is mostly about what happens between Nathan and Tristen after the kidnapping and how Nathan continues to pursue those who destroyed his life all those years ago and how it all then affects Tristen.

Damaged Goods worked well as a series starter because it gave us the story of Nathan and Tristen while also introducing readers to several other supporting characters who may (or may not) have their own stories told later on in the series. I've got my eye on two in particular, which basically means that I'm looking forward to seeing where the author takes the series next. Overall, I quite enjoyed Nathan and Tristen's story and appreciated the inclusion--and rightfully a limited one--of certain Satan's Fury MC characters. I'm giving Damaged Goods 4.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 08 June 2017

Date Read: 07 June 2017

Learn more about L. Wilder.

Purchase Damaged Goods on Amazon.


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