Author Spotlight: Katy Regnery, Never Let You Go

In line with last week's release of the heartrendingly beautiful Never Let You Go, the second book in the a modern fairytale series and one of my favorite reads for 2015, the wonderfully talented Katy Regnery generously took a timeout from her busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. ^.^ 


A Q&A with Katy Regnery

1. What inspired you to choose Hansel & Gretel as your next inspiration to create the modern fairy tale of Never Let You Go?

I looked at a lot of fairytales after using Beauty and the Beast for The Vixen and the Vet, and you know what I found? That many – so many fairytales – are really about a woman, not a man. The man (most of the time a prince) is nothing more than an afterthought. Think about Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs…the prince is barely mentioned. He’s little more than scenery for the heroine's story. Now, if I wrote the heroine’s point of view in first person like many authors, that would be awesome, because I could focus on her version of the story. But, I write third person, alternating point of view between the hero and heroine, which means I really prefer to write a fairytale with a strong female and male character, too. That’s part of the reason that Beauty and the Beast was so appealing to me. The Beast is a really well-developed character. So is Hansel. He and Gretel experience the same abduction and the same imprisonment. It gave me a lot to work with for both characters.

2. Do you have plans of writing even more stories inspired by fairy tales and if so, can you share with us what's up next?

Absolutely!! Next up is Ginger’s Heart, which will be a re-boot of the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale. I have never written a love triangle where the heroine falls in love with two men at once. In most of my romances, even if there’s a pre-existing relationship, it’s blown out of the water when the hero and heroine connect and I keep them completely faithful to one another. But in this story, Ginger (Little Red) is wooed by both Klaus Wolfram (the Wolf) and Josiah Woodman (the Woodcutter who saves Red and Grandma). I won’t lie. It’s going to get messy before she makes her decision.

3. If you were a fairy tale character, who would you be and why?

Oh my gosh, what a great question!!! I’ve never been asked that before! Hmm… Oh, I know! I’m going to go a little rogue here and answer Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride by William Goodman. I love that story so much… Westley’s love for Buttercup is so pure and true. There are some passages in the book that make my toes curl, they’re so romantic. But one of my favorites is: "'Enough about my beauty.' Buttercup said. 'Everybody always talks about how beautiful I am. I’ve got a mind, Westley. Talk about that.'" Just shows what a cool chick Buttercup really is!

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Thank you again to Katy Regnery for the interview and to Jessica Bromberg of Rock Star Lit PR for facillitating! ♥

If you haven't read the books in the a modern fairytale series, you seriously need to grab yourselves a copy of both at your favorite e-retailers. Check out my five-plus-starred reviews for both to find out what you've been missing!


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