Review: Writing Mr. Right by T.K. Leigh

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Writing Mr. Right is a romantic comedy standalone from bestselling author T.K. Leigh. Vivienne Foxx is a bestselling romance author with a following other writers would envy. She knows how to weave the kind of love story that makes her readers sigh and swoon and wish that they had the same kind of happily-ever-after. She knows her stuff. Molly Banks, though, seems to be at a loss when it comes to all things lovey-dovey. The clincher? Molly Banks IS Vivienne Foxx. Her lack of a love life has never really bothered her before, but with her publisher breathing down her neck, a deadline she can't avoid, and the worst case of writer's block she's ever had, Molly decides it may be time for some hands-on research. A few dates with some harmless guys should do the trick for what she needs right now, but when she meets neurosurgeon Dr. Noah MacAllister, she realizes that Mr. Right may actually exist...

I've read a few stories that have a fictional romance author finding love when they least expect it over the last couple of years or so. I've enjoyed most of them, and this latest one to join the ranks left me satisfied as well. Molly and Noah were adorable together and they definitely had lots of moments that combined cute with romance and humor. Molly wasn't looking for love, not believing that romance was a necessity in her life, and lo and behold, she meets the one man--Noah--who makes her change her stance. They made for an enjoyable couple to read about, and they were surrounded by a good group of supporting characters, particularly Molly's brother and best friend. There were moments that the pacing of the story did feel a tad slow, but as a whole, I liked Writing Mr. Right. If you're looking for a lighthearted romance with quite a few laughs, this four-starred standalone may be the right fit. ♥

Release Date: 26 June 2017

Date Read: 26 June 2017

Learn more about T.K. Leigh.

Purchase Writing Mr. Right on Amazon.


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