Release Blitz: Nineteen Letters by Jodi Perry

Nineteen Letters
by Jodi Perry
Release Date: August 29, 2017

About Nineteen Letters
Nineteen. There’s something about that number; it not only brought us together, bonding us forever, it also played a hand in tearing us apart.

The nineteenth of January 1996. I’ll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the day I developed my first crush on a girl.

Exactly nineteen years later, all my dreams came true when she became my wife. She was the love of my life. My soul mate. My everything. The reason I looked forward to waking up every morning.

Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after we married, she was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.

I was crushed. She was my air, and without her I couldn’t breathe.

The sparkle that once glistened her eyes when she looked at me was gone. To her, now, I was a stranger. I had not only lost my wife, I had lost my best friend.

But I refused to let this tragedy be the end of us. That’s when I started to write her letters, stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we had experienced together.

What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.

Read my five-plus-starred review of Nineteen Letters.

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Nineteen Letters Trailer

An Excerpt from Nineteen Letters
His tongue glides over the sensitive spot behind my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He did that on purpose. ‘Don’t make any plans for tonight, because I’m taking you out to dinner.’

‘You’re taking me out? Where?’

‘The Sea Shanty.’ He groans as he sucks my earlobe into his mouth.

‘What’s the special occasion?’

‘Our anniversary.’

My eyes fly open to meet his in the mirror. ‘Our what?’ My mind starts to race. What anniversary?

He turns me in his arms so I’m facing him, and pulls a small black box from his pocket. ‘I was going to give this to you tonight, but I want you to have it now. Happy nineteenth anniversary, sweetheart.’

My hands tremble slightly as I take hold of the box. That’s when I remember that today we have been married for nineteen days, and a huge smile breaks out on my face. The number nineteen has always held special significance for us.

Tears of happiness pool in my eyes as I open the lid. Inside I find a white-gold necklace that’s holding a diamond-encrusted number-nineteen pendant.

‘Oh Braxton, it’s beautiful. I love it . . . I love you.’

He smiles as he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. ‘I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Jem.’


A lump forms in my throat and I feel like I’m choking back tears. I use my hand to fan my eyes; I don’t have time to redo my make-up.

Taking the box out of my hand, he removes the necklace. ‘Turn around, and hold up your hair.’ I do as he asks, gathering my long brown hair on top of my head so he can fasten the necklace. ‘Perfect,’ he says, planting a soft kiss on my skin at the base of my neck.

My fingertips glide over the pendant as I admire it in the mirror. ‘Thank you . . . I’ll treasure it.’

Sliding his arms around my waist again, he rests his chin on my shoulder, and his eyes meet mine in the mirror. ‘You know, I’ve been thinking . . .’

‘That could be dangerous.’

I laugh when he pokes my side.

‘I want you to stop taking the pill.’

I feel my heartbeat accelerate as I swing around to face him. ‘You do?’

‘Yes. It’s time we gave it another try, Jem. I want to see our baby growing inside you.’

I swipe my finger under my eye to catch the stray tear that has fallen. ‘I want that too, but what about my job? We just took out a second mortgage to build this house . . . we need the money.’

He exhales before continuing. ‘I know how much your career means to you, but you’re giving so much of yourself to that bastard, Andrew. We both know he doesn’t appreciate you. Why don’t you think about setting up your own interior design business from home? That way you’d be here to look after our son, and still be able to do what you love.’

‘Or our daughter,’ I say with a smile.

‘As long as our baby is healthy, I don’t care what sex it is.’ I bow my head as memories of that day flood my mind. I want this so badly, but I’m scared.

‘Can we talk more about it tonight over dinner? Andrew’s going to chew me out if I don’t get to the office soon.’

‘He better not!’

I run my finger over his forehead, trying to flatten out the crinkles of his frown. I love how protective he is. He hates the way my boss treats me, but he’d never interfere because he knows how much I love what I do.

The rain has eased by the time I’m ready to leave, but Braxton still insists on walking me out so I don’t get wet. ‘Bye,’ I say reluctantly, when we come to a stop beside my car.

‘Don’t let Andrew keep you any later than needed.’

‘I won’t,’ I say, placing my lips against his. ‘Good luck with your meeting. They’re going to love the new design.’

‘I hope so.’ He opens the driver’s-side door, and moves the umbrella closer to shield me from the rain. ‘Be careful on the roads, they’ll be slippery.’

‘I will. Stop worrying.’

‘I’ll always worry where you’re concerned, Jem. It’s my job to look after you.’

I smile up at him once I’m seated. ‘I love how much you love me.’

‘That’ll never change,’ he says, winking, as he closes my car door.

My heart feels heavy as I blow him a kiss and reverse out of the driveway . . . I miss him already.

*  *  *

I’m driving cautiously but still faster than usual on my way to work. I know I shouldn’t, considering the roads are slippery from all the rain, but the backlog of work I’m going to face from being on holidays for a month is making my stomach knot. Just the thought of facing Andrew in one of his moods this morning is quickly undoing all the calm I’ve felt while being away from him. Braxton’s idea of starting my own business is sounding better by the second.

I smile to myself as I replay his words in my head. My fingertips lightly skim over my stomach. I’d like nothing more than to have his baby growing inside me again.

‘Shit,’ I mumble to myself when the heavens open up. I turn the wiper speed up to full, but visibility is still poor. I can barely see the car in front of me now. I jump when my phone starts to ring. I grip the wheel tightly with my right hand as I reach across the passenger seat, my hand blindly fumbling in my bag as I try to find it.

I just know that it’s Andrew wondering where I am; I should have been there fifteen minutes ago. My chest tightens just thinking about it.

My eyes leave the road for a split second as I glance down at the screen. I was right, it’s him. As I attempt to accept the call, I hear the loud sound of an angry horn, and the screech of tyres. My head snaps to the left as my body is thrown violently sidewards. The sickening crunching sound of metal is almost deafening.

Images of Braxton and our life together flash through my mind as a crushing sensation consumes the right side of my body. My head connects with the driver’s-side window, and the sound of shattering glass fills my ears.

Oh god. I don’t want to die.

‘Braxton . . . Braaaax,’ I cry out as the world around me stills, and I succumb to the darkness.

About Jodi Perry

Jodi Perry was born in Sydney, Australia, and has lived there her whole life. Under the name J.L. Perry, her last four novels were all number-one bestsellers in eBook. Jodi travels annually to the UK and US to promote her books and to meet her many fans. Nineteen Letters is the first novel to be published under the name Jodi Perry.

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