Review: Race the Darkness by Abbie Roads (Fatal Dreams #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by Sourcebooks Casablanca in exchange for an honest review.

From the moment he’d found her, their futures had woven together, then tied themselves in a double knot. The only question: What kind of future was it?

When Alexander Patrick Stone was seven, the only family he knew fell apart and ending any desire he had to communicate with his father. Twenty-five years and one lightning strike later, Xander works as an interrogation expert for the state of Ohio's Bureau of Criminal Investigation. The scar running along one side of his body, from his forehead to his calf, isn't the only thing left behind after he was struck by lightning a decade ago. He can hear people's thoughts, making him uniquely qualified to interview suspects. But there's one particular voice that he's heard for years, a female voice calling out to him, begging him to find and rescue her. He's pretended not to hear it, thinking it was nothing more than his mind playing tricks on him. Until one day, he hears it again and this time he listens. But will he be too late?

Eight years ago, Isleen Gale Walker and her grandmother were abducted. Now twenty-five, she has endured one torturous act after another at the hands of an evil woman who calls her "the Dragon". The only thing she finds solace in are her dreams--dreams of a beautiful, scarred man, the same man who her grandmother says will rescue her and make all her dreams come true. But he has yet to heed her calls for help, and Isleen is finding herself in a losing battle. She doesn't know how much longer she'll be able to survive the hell she's been subjected to. Her body is failing even as her mind remains aware of everything around her. Her once hopeful heart is giving up as well. If she holds on, will there be anything worth waiting for? And if the man from--of--her dreams arrives, will her nightmare end or will a new one begin?

What a wondrous read this was! Not only have a discovered a new author to fawn over--hello, Abbie Roads!--but I've found the beginning to what feels like a highly promising urban fantasy series. This had everything that I could wish for in a novel like this and more. The story was original and enigmatic, with themes of precognition and psychic abilities interspersed with those of fate and destiny, and had such an intriguing collection of characters led by the intoxicatingly fascinating Xander and Isleen. The twists and turns were ones I never saw coming--and being someone who likes to come up with theories in my head while I'm reading, this was quite a feat. We even get to briefly meet the hero for the second book and he's got me quite intrigued. Race the Darkness is one of the best debuts I've ever come across. Five-plus stars. ♥

Release Date: 04 October 2016

Date Read: 01 October 2016

Learn more about Abbie Roads.

Pre-order Race the Darkness on Sourcebooks | Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


  1. Hello back at you!

    Wow! Thanks for the lovely review! I really appreciate it!

    1. You're welcome! I loved Xander and Isleen's story. I can't wait to read Lathan's!


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