Review: Finding My Reason by Claudia Burgoa

Note: This ARC was provided by Sassy Savvy Fabulous PR in exchange for an honest review.

Finding My Reason is the new standalone contemporary romance novel from one of my favorite authors, Claudia Burgoa. It's a love story that spans thirteen years, following the lives of Hudson Drago and Jade Vance, who meet at the wedding of his best friend and her cousin in 2013, when he was twenty-eight and she was twenty-two. They shared a night that sparked the beginning of a deep and lasting friendship because the reason for it to be more simply never existed...or maybe it was simply not time for the reason to be acknowledged or embraced. Both Hudson and Jade know how it feels to be abandoned, left behind by those who were supposed to be there all along, and for them, the fear of rejection is very real. Their friendship is strong, even with time and distance getting in the way, but it's always been meant to be more. So when the time finally seems right, Jade finds a reason to stay in the one place she's felt most at home: by Hudson's side. But she wants a guarantee and she believes that it comes in the form of a piece of paper that ties him to her. He, however, doesn't need a piece of paper for them to lay claim on each other. The love has been there from the beginning, but will it be enough or have these two finally reached "The End"?

Claudia Burgoa has always been able to make me feel as if I'm an active observer in whatever story she gives readers. This is the case, once again, with this latest release of hers. I'm on that journey with Hudson and Jade from the start, watching them become a hook-up and then best friends, but always with that underlying love ever-present. The love they have is a mix of romantic and platonic, because there's no doubting that they truly are friends, not just two people pretending to be friends while waiting for the other to come to their senses and get on with the romantic phase. It's also clear that these two are meant to be, and I appreciated how natural the evolution of their love came to be, never forced nor rushed, letting everything play out in the way it seems like it should. Jade had to come to the conclusion that she had a reason to stay on her own, and it could have ended there and then, but the great thing about Claudia Burgoa is that she keeps you on your toes and lets her characters share everything that needs to be shared so that the readers aren't left wanting. Finding My Reason is a story that reiterates that love should never be the sole reason two people should ever be together, but it should be the most important one. Five stars. ♥

Release Date: 19 October 2016

Date Read: 19 October 2016

Learn more about Claudia Burgoa.

Purchase Finding My Reason on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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