Review: Chance Encounters by Jessica Prince

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Chance Encounters isn't my first Jessica Prince read but it is the first one I've read that she's written on her own. This was a romantic comedy that had the familiar Pygmalion-type of story line minus the bet. Think girl is shy and awkward and guy is cool and confident and she asks him for help to be more appealing to the guy she has a thing for (and no, the guy isn't the guy she's friends with and also happens to be undeserving of her). Melany Fitzgerald is the thirty-one-year-old assistant to one of the top architects around and she's been crushing on another architect for the past five years, a guy she thinks of as her Prince Charming. She meets lawyer Chance Hoffman during the engagement party of her boss and his fiancée who just happened to be someone Chance used to date. During an impromptu lunch together, Melany asks Chance to teach her to be more confident, and he does, indeed, bring out the more put-together, self-reliant version of herself. At the same time, though, Melany comes to certain realizations. Does she still want the guy she's envisioned in her fairy tale or the one guy who took a chance on her?

This is a standalone, but it's also a spin-off of the author's Locklaine Boys series, which is spun off from Love Hate Relationship, the third book in her Colors series. Melany's boss and his fiancée, Collin Locklaine and Devon McMillon, respectively, were featured in Almost Perfect, book three in the Locklaine Boys, and play important peripheral characters here in Chance Encounters. Now, being the kind of reader that I am, I was all curious about Collin, Devon, and other potential characters that may or may not have been part of the other series, so I've added a few book to my to-be-read list. Curiosity aside, this rom-com still read well as a standalone, so you can easily go into it without worrying if you're going to end up feeling lost while reading it. This really was Chance and Melany's story and it was a fun and easy read, one that may have been relatively predictable, since it often followed the same plot lines of similar books, but it made me smile and had me liking and cheering for the main characters without hesitation. If you need a lighthearted and sweet and sexy read, I recommend Chance Encounters. 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: 11 May 2017

Learn more about Jessica Prince.

Purchase Chance Encounters on Amazon.


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