Review: Revolutionary Temptation by Silvia Violet

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via Signal Boost Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

Revolutionary Temptation is an M/M historical romantic suspense novel penned by Silvia Violet and it hearkens back to the American Revolution. Set in New York City in 1777, Captain Jack West is still healing from an injury to his leg, but he's called in by a close friend and the head of intelligence for the American colonists led by General George Washington. Being asked to become a spy is something Jack never fathomed he'd ever have to do and he isn't too sure that he'd even be able to pull such a task off. He's been assured that he will have allies with him, but bookshop owner Elias Ashfield isn't just part of their rag-tag group of spying rebels, but he's a distraction that Jack never expected, and one he knows he needs to resist. But Eli isn't afraid to use his charm and whatever else is at his disposal to push Jack just enough to have him in his bed. His bisexuality is something Eli's never shied away from; on the other hand. Jack's attraction to men is something he's never flaunted, preferring not to hang from a noose. Battling their connection together could prove to be more difficult than the Americans fighting the British.

It took a while for the story to really get going, but I persevered and I'm glad that I did because this turned out to be quite an entertaining read! There's espionage and suspense alongside a hesitant love story between Jack and Eli, but the hesitation was more on Jack's side than Eli's. There's a lot--and I mean A LOT--of back and forth with these two because as tempting as the thought of being with Eli appeals to Jack, he unceasingly resists. We don't necessarily get the nitty-gritty of war, but what we do get is enticing as well: the cloak and dagger maneuverings of Jack and Eli along with Constance Sullivan, who is Jack's primary contact. They were like a black ops team circa 1700s, full of intrigue and tension. While a great deal of attention is indeed focused on our two main characters, this novel has a strong supporting cast of characters--with a couple of historical figures to boot--that aid and abet in making this an overall great read. Not everything is resolved here, and the author states she has more stories involving Jack, Eli, and Constance to tell. Revolutionary Temptation had a slow start but finished strongly. 4.5 stars. ♥

Date Read: February 1, 2017

Learn more about Silvia Violet.

Purchase Revolutionary Temptation on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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