Review: #1 Crush by T. Gephart (#1 #1)

Note: This ARC was provided by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.

What would you do if you had the opportunity to meet your celebrity crush? Would you totally fangirl and scream and jump up and down? Would you stand there with your mouth hanging open and looking ready to keel over? Well, I'm sure a lot of us have envisioned what we would do if we were face to face with our crush, celebrity or not, and I wouldn't be surprised if majority saw a whole lips to lips scenario and maybe a few more body parts all up close and personal. In the case of Tia Monroe, she decides to bite the bullet and comes up with a crazy-ass plan to meet the unattainable guy of her dreams. The fact that he happens to be a famous actor who is currently one of the hottest celebrities around isn't going to dissuade her. Miracles have been known to happen, and Tia's more than prepared to make her miracle of meeting Eric Larsson come true, come hell or high water...or Hollywood too.

#1 Crush is the first in the brand new #1 series from bestselling author T. Gephart, and it happens to be my first read from her as well. This was a romantic comedy that had me laughing in all the appropriate parts, meaning every single not quite appropriate thing that Tia found herself in. With zaniness and zingers galore, this more than met its quota for the comedy part of the genre. Now, as far as the romance part was concerned, well, that could have done with a bit more of that, in my opinion. See, I loved Tia and Eric and I so enjoyed reading about how Tia did the impossible. Then they go on to give us the Hollywood-type of story where the unattainable guy turns out to be attainable after all. These two together made me smile and Tia's antics made me laugh--like actual snort laughing at times--and I adored several of the supporting characters, but I wanted a wee more romance. 3.5 stars. ♥

Release Date: 20 February 2017

Date Read: 20 February 2017

Learn more about T. Gephart.

Purchase #1 Crush on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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