Series Cover Reveal: Accidentally Undercover Series

The Accidentally Undercover Series
Under Her Roof (book one)
by Allison Temple
Release Date: March 26, 2024
Under the Gun (book two)
by Cari Z
Release Date: April 2, 2024
Under His Sheets (book three)
by R.L. Merrill
Release Date: April 9, 2024
Under the Table (book four)
by Layla Reyne
Release Date: April 16, 2024
Under His Name (book five)
by M.A. Grant
Release Date: April 23, 2024
Under the Radar (book six)
by Linden Bell
Release Date: April 30, 2024
Cover Design: Covers by Jo

About the Accidentally Undercover series

Under Her Roof (book one) by Allison Temple - Release Date: March 26, 2024
My name is Gillian and I have three problems:

     A fallen tree through the roof of my family’s remote island cottage.
     A sister trying to sell said cottage out from under me.
     A dead body in the living room. Sadly, it’s not my sister’s.

Actually, make that four problems: my ex, Amanda, just showed up uninvited. Apparently, she’s a spy, undercover to investigate the luxury wine auction hosted by my conniving sister.

We’ve got no connection to the mainland and a murderer on the island, so tonight Amanda and I have three missions:

     Find the killer
     Stay alive
     Escape by sunrise

Actually, make that four missions: Do not fall in love, because apparently Amanda and I are far from over.

Under Her Roof is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared LGBTQ+ romantic suspense series.

Under the Gun (book two) by Cari Z - Release Date: April 2, 2024
Life is plenty exciting for Joey Cole. Everything that isn’t his day job revolves around having fun, but “fun” becomes complicated when Joey’s latest side gig turns into a gunfight between the handsy billionaire he’s working for and the ex-boyfriend who broke his heart and who’s now…smuggling drugs?

Turns out that Adam, Joey’s ex, is a spy for His Majesty’s government, and that Joey has fallen into a sting operation meant to take his shady employer down. Joey and Adam are hounded by assassins as they escape to a safe house in England, home to the woman who introduced Joey to Adam in the first place—his grandmother.

Who, it turns out, is also a spy. Huh, no wonder she made him get so good at untying knots with his hands tied behind his back.

Joey and Adam rekindle the romance that burned between them, but Adam is still a spy—he’s not his own man, and he’ll certainly never belong to Joey. The safest thing would be to break it off before Adam breaks his heart again…but the way they’re being hunted, safe is out of the question, and love may mean the difference between life and death.

Under the Gun is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.

Under His Sheets (book three) by R.L. Merrill - Release Date: April 9, 2024
Indie rock star Randall Sutter is hard at work creating a new life for himself in Spain after his band was robbed and decided to break up. The inspiration for his reinvention? The passionate night he spent with a Spaniard who encouraged him to consider spending more time in his country. So Randall 2.0 decides to dust off his credentials and take a job teaching music at an international school in a suburb of Barcelona. But questions soon arise when the stranger Randall can’t stop thinking about appears at the school—as Alonso the Custodian. And pretends not to recognize him. And claims to not speak English. Randall then discovers his new community—like the rest of Catalonia—is experiencing political turmoil, and Randall isn’t sure who he can trust. When Alonso reveals the truth about the night they met and just what he was doing there, Randall will have to have faith that Alonso’s feelings for him are real and not just part of his mission, or they may both end up victims of a centuries-long dispute playing out in modern Spain.

Under His Sheets is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.

Under the Table (book four) by Layla Reyne - Release Date: April 16, 2024
Chef February Winters hates Valentine’s Day. So much so she refuses to open her restaurant for it. Except now the critics say that she can’t—not, that she won’t—so of course she must. But planning the perfect V-day menu eludes her until her sexy new bartender mixes up a sublime concept.

Jax Dillon is a hacker, but for the past three months they’ve been undercover at Under the Table, tending bar while on the lookout for a rogue spy. Truth be told, they’ve spent more time looking at the stunning head chef while struggling to balance their professional and personal lives.

Feb’s been looking Jax’s way too. Until V-day arrives and she finds her restaurant full of bounty hunters, assassins, bullet holes, and more. When the spy she thought was a critic takes her three stars—and Jax—hostage, Feb must cook the meal of her life to win back culinary glory and the bartender (er, hacker?) who’s stolen her heart. Good thing she’s a real chef.

Under the Table is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.

Under His Name (book five) by M.A. Grant - Release Date: April 23, 2024
Sam Walch has never tried to match up to his flashy, high-spirited twin brother Brad in anything—school, sports, or romance. Competing against Brad only led to disappointment and heartbreak, which is why Sam stayed in town after their mom's death and let Brad take off for grander adventures. After years being stuck in neutral, Sam finally plans a dream trip to Malta to start a new chapter in his life. Too bad a hospital phone call about his long-lost brother comes just days before he's due to step onto the plane.

Agent Nicolas Conti and his promotion-minded colleague Brad Walch had an easy gig: observe the target, seduce and infiltrate, and gather the intelligence needed to take down the guy's boss. But a stupid accident lands Brad in the hospital instead of their target's bed and leaves Nicolas holding the bag. With time on the op running out, he has no choice but to convince (okay, blackmail) Brad's twin Sam to step in and cover, so they can finish this final job and punch his ticket to freedom.

The only problem? Sam is nothing like Brad, a fact Nicolas finds harder to ignore every passing day. The op seems doomed to fail, until Sam catches the target's attention by being ... himself. Now Nicolas has to decide which is more important: using Sam to get out of the spy game for good, or protecting the self-sacrificing man from everyone, including himself.

Under His Name is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.

Under the Radar (book six) by Linden Bell - Release Date: April 30, 2024
My boyfriend is perfect. He drinks red wine, listens to true crime podcasts, and loves the theater. So what if I don't know what he does for work, where his family is from, or who his friends are?

My friends disagree. They're convinced that Jared either has a secret family, is a serial killer, or is a spy. When they wheedle me into some harmless stalking, I discover that the truth is wilder than fiction.

Under the Radar is part of the Accidentally Undercover shared romantic suspense series.

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