Cover Reveal: The Bastard and the Heir by Eden Finley & Saxon James

The Bastard and the Heir
by Eden Finley & Saxon James
Release Date: January 18, 2024
Cover Design: Eden Finley
Models: Darrien & Ken

About The Bastard and the Heir
The death of my father not only rips out my heart but tears open my entire life.

His funeral brings the appearance of his bastard son, the byproduct of my father’s apparent misadventures. Wren Porter is a prickly, untrusting beefcake in an ill-fitting suit, and he looks so much more the part of a Ritcherson than I do.

Now it’s on me to teach him the family business while ignoring my attraction to the man the world thinks is my brother.

All it would take is one misstep for him to find out the secret my father literally took to his grave.

He’s not the bastard son.

I am.

Wren’s the true heir to the Ritcherson fortune, but I’ve fought my whole life for my place at the table. If anyone discovers the truth, I’ll lose everything.

I used to think the worst thing that could happen would be losing the company, but the closer I get to Wren, I realize the biggest thing on the line is my heart.

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An Excerpt from The Bastard and the Heir
I have no words for the self-loathing, anger, and all-round disbelief for what just happened.

I drive home in a daze, simultaneously feeling satisfied and disgusted. It churns in my gut.

Flashes of Darcy bent over his desk keep showing up uninvited in my head, and if I thought that’s all I wanted from him, that having him would cure me of this sick lust I have for him, I was fucking wrong.

Because despite being angry at him for keeping this from me, despite still technically being brothers but with no blood relation, I want that to happen again.

We were able to separate emotions from the hot sex in the moment, but now, doing the drive home of shame and realizing we could be Game of Thrones characters, all I feel is … regret.

Maybe I should’ve stayed so we could talk it out, but there was no way. I had to get out of there.

Arriving home, I open the door to find Remy back from his shift at the firehouse. His hours are all over the place, so I haven’t checked in with him for a while, and one look at my face lets him know I messed up.

“What’s wrong?”

I still don’t have the words because how are you supposed to say, “I had sex with my brother who’s not really my brother, and it turns out I was the rightful heir to the MediaCorp company, its shares, the money … it was all supposed to be mine, and Darcy took it from me.”

Oh. I guess exactly like that.

“Holy fuck, Wren. That’s … a lot.”

And as if getting that validation from Remy opens the floodgates, I drop to my knees right here in the entry to my living room. Remy rushes over and helps me to my feet, but even though he’s a paramedic firefighter, he’s small, and I’m a heavy guy, so it takes a while for us to stumble to the couch.

I’m lead.

I’m sinking while trying to swim against a tide that’s too powerful to fight.

If I thought the identity crisis I went through when I found out who my biological father is was bad, it’s nothing compared to now.

“Wren, it’s okay. It’s—”

“It’s not okay. I shouldn’t have snooped. I shouldn’t have wanted Darcy so badly that I had to prove we weren’t related. Because now what? Now …”

“Now you dethrone that motherfucker,” my very unhelpful cousin says.

“I don’t want to dethrone him. I don’t want the company. And if it gets out that Darcy isn’t a Ritcherson—”

“It’ll go to your wicked half-brothers, Disphit One and Dipshit Two.”

“Actually, Tobias isn’t so bad now.”

“Good to know.”

“I’m pretty sure he still hates me, but he doesn’t show it as much as Junior.”

Remy smiles.


“I think you like being part of that family.”

I go to protest, but I can’t. Because he’s right. Toby’s growing on me, and Darcy … Ergh, I can’t fight what’s between us. Whatever it is.

Lust. Connection. Brotherly … love?

I shudder.

“Okay, I didn’t think you’d react so violently to that,” Remy says.

“It’s not that. It’s that I think you’re right, and sleeping with Darcy has gone and fucked everything up.”


“Because … I already said I don’t want the company, and neither of us want Junior to have the company, which means Darcy has to keep up pretenses that he’s Warren’s son. Or he loses everything.”

The anger inside me dims. I know he said that. He said that he has fought his whole life to get where he is on top of the burden of knowing he wasn’t the one who deserved it by birthright.

And how nonsensical is that anyway? Darcy is the right man for the job, regardless of blood.

The whole will and inheritance system is messed up.

“If you two want to be together …”

“It won’t matter. Because it can’t happen.”

“Damn, that sucks.”

Yeah, tell me about it.

About Eden Finley & Saxon James
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She doesn't take anything too seriously and lives to create an escape from real life for her readers. The ideas always begin with a wackadoodle premise, and she does her best to turn them into romances with heart.

With a short attention span that rivals her son's, she writes multiple different pairings: MM, MMF, and MF.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

*  *  *

Saxon James is an author from Australia who's obsessed with writing queer characters. She has a range of books from YA to adult and they all have one thing in common: swoony, sweet love.

When not writing, Saxon exists on a diet of coffee and chocolate while putting her KU subscription to the test.

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