Review: Taking the Score by Kate Meader (Tall, Dark, and Texan #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Business tycoon Broderick Kane III's fantasies about his personal assistant don't just come to life in this second book in the Tall, Dark, and Texan series from author Kate Meader; those fantasies are surpassed when Brody comes face to face--or more of bottom to lap--with prim and proper Emma Strickland in a strip club. The Emma we met in the series starter, Even the Score, is very different from the one we discover and really get to know here in Taking the Score. If it weren't for her younger sister getting into a debt that no amount of serving drinks and gyrating with customers--rather badly, I might add--will be called even any time soon. Emma does what she has to, except, of course, accept a handout from her boss. But Brody's seen a new side to Emma and his need to help out the woman he's been fantasizing about for a year is something he can't turn away from. Will Emma let that bad girl side of her out of hiding now that Brody's gotten a taste of that naughtiness, or will the secret she's hiding end their potential happy ending?

The series got off to a great start with Hunter Dade and Tess McKenzie's story in Even the Score but it's taken things up a notch or two with this sequel! I loved Brody and Emma's story, with these two proving that the adage "Don't judge a book by its cover" is one to live by. There's definitely more to Emma than her ill-fitting outfits and overly organized planner, but the same goes for Brody, who's got quite a few hidden interests underneath those sexy glasses of his. But while these two are hotter than ever in the bedroom--and work quite well as a team inside the boardroom--the fact that Emma is hiding something that has the potential to destroy his reputation and that of his family makes conflict more of a inevitability. Add to that Brody's last relationship involved one heck of a shot to the heart, to the point that I was actually shocked, but then if you take a minute to really think about it, stuff like that actually does happen in real life. Brody is a class act in that he chooses to not put any effort in reacting to people and situations that don't matter.

With both Hunter and Brody getting their happily-ever-afters, the only left in Score Property who's waiting in the wings is Flynn Cross, and I suspect that his story involves Brody's sister, Olivia. Of course, I could be totally off-base, but they seemed to have a love-hate thing going on so I'm hoping they end up together. Whether or not Flynn is paired up with Olivia, I'm still going to be keeping an eye out for the release of the third book in the series. After all, I've enjoyed the series so far and have high expectations for the series ender. The writing has been solid in both currently available books and both stories are fairly lighthearted with just a tiny dash of drama to keep things interesting. Admittedly, Brody is my favorite among the three Score men, and yes, part of the reason has to do with those glasses and the whole quietly intense thing going on with him. Hunter is more of the guy in the middle, while Flynn is the easygoing playboy, so I can't wait to see how his story plays out. Taking the Score is a five-starred sequel. ♥

Date Read: 16 February 2016

Learn more about Kate Meader.

Purchase Taking the Score on Amazon | B&N | Kobo.


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