Review: "Tattoos & TaTas" by Tara Sivec

I've been a fan of author Tara Sivec's from the time I read the first two books in her Playing with Fire series. When I was introduced to her Chocolate Lovers series, I was hooked. That and the spin-off Chocoholics series have had me anywhere from giggling to snickering to outright snorting with laughter, what with its off-the-wall characters and stories that seem so silly that you can't help but wonder if they're based on actual events. ^.^

"...through thick and thin and all the years in between, nothing could tear us apart."

But let's focus our attention on Tattoos & TaTas, a special novella in the Chocoholics series. Veering away from their children, whose love stories have been the focus of the series, the spotlight is back on best friends Claire and Lizwith the latter serving as the narrator for the book. Claire has just found out that she has stage 2 breast cancer and Liz is having difficulty dealing with her best friend's diagnosis. She's always been the one who was there for Claire, trying to fix whatever problems crop up, but she can't exactly fix cancer and is at a loss for the first time in their decades long friendship.

"I wish I could go back to a time when I actually knew how to make things better for my best friend."

The book stays consistent to what fans of the series love best about it: offbeat humor with heart. The subject of cancer, in whatever form, is never an easy one but in this novella, it's handled in a realistic but still sensitive manner. Liz's reaction and handling of Claire's cancer diagnosis is something a lot of people who have been in the same situation can relate to. The flashbacks give readers an even better idea of just how solid a foundation these two women have and how they're able to overcome whatever life throws their way, even if it's something as seemingly formidable as cancer.

"Fuck cancer. Fight like a girl."

I highly recommend both the Chocolate Lovers and Chocoholics series and this novella deserves a special mention. I'll save my recommendation for the Playing with Fire series when I get to the latest book and post my review for it. ^.^ Tattoos & TaTas gets a very much deserved five stars and I hope that you'll check it out very soon! Please take note that 100% of all the proceeds from sales of Tattoos & TaTas in the month of October (Breast Cancer Awareness month for all of those who don't know) and will be donated to two very worthy organizations: Susan G. Komen and Living Beyond Breast Cancer. ♥

Date read: 07 October 2014

Learn more about the addictive Tara Sivec here

Grab a copy of Tattoos & TaTas and Ms. Sivec's other books on Amazon | Barnes & Noble.


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