Review: Worth the Wait by J. Sterling (Sugar Mountain #2)

Note: An advance reader copy (ARC) was provided by the author via Wordsmith Publicity.

Worth the Wait is the second novel in the Sugar Mountain small town romance series penned by J. Sterling, and as hinted in the series starter, Worth the Fall, Patrick O'Grady's story is all about second chances, coming home, and true love being something worth waiting for. Patrick, who owned Sugar Mountain Resort alongside his father and brothers, has only ever loved one girl, and that's Addison Whitman. They had been together since high school, and Patrick knew in his heart that he would spend the rest of his days loving only her. They had made plans, but when an opportunity to go to culinary school presented itself, Addison couldn't say no--meaning she headed to New York and left Sugar Mountain and the life she knew with her father and the boy she loved behind. One year turned to two and then three, and now, it's been almost four years since Patrick last saw Addison. With her father landing in the hospital, however, it seems she's headed back to their hometown. Patrick knows Addison will need to return to New York for her job as a chef, but can he convince her to stay with him instead?

I admire a man who knows what he wants and refuses to be swayed by anyone or anything else, and in this story, that man is none other than Patrick. He found true love in his teens, and here he is years later in what I assume are his twenties, and even after getting his heart broken by said true love, he never even considered being with anyone else. Was Addison worth all that devotion? Well, I'll be honest--I didn't understand why she stayed away for as long as she did. Not only was Patrick, who was the love of her life, back in Sugar Mountain, but so was her beloved father. While cooking was her passion and being in New York allowed her to have an even closer relationship with her younger sister, her mother was not a nice person. But I'm a firm believer in that everything happens when it's meant to happen, and maybe the time apart did some good for both Patrick and Addison and it took returning to Sugar Mountain--and a much needed nudge from her sister--for her to see how everything could fall into place if only she'd let it. Overall, Worth the Wait was a heartwarming read about love, family, and home, and I'm giving 4.5 stars.


Read my reviews for the Sugar Mountain series:

Worth the Fall (book one) - four stars - My Review

Worth the Wait (book two) - 4.5 stars - My Review (posted above)


Release Date: 24 January 2025

Date Read: 18 January 2025

Learn more about J. Sterling.

Pre-order Worth the Wait on J. Sterling's Store | Amazon | Apple Books | B&N | Google Play | Kobo.


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