Review: The Catch by K. Bromberg (The Player #2)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

“Are you okay?”
“Just let me hold on to you, okay?”
I hate the hurt in his voice. The pain. It breaks my heart.
“I’ll be whatever you need me to be,” I whisper and slide my hands over his, resting on my abdomen.
“You already are.”

Aaaaand K. Bromberg just knocked it out of the ballpark! The Player was a great start to her sports romance duet by the same, but this finish was above and beyond what I was hoping for! The Catch picks up exactly where its predecessor left off. Easton Wylder has just learned of his fate: he's being traded to another team, meaning this would be the first time ever that he wasn't with the one and only team he's ever played for or ever wanted to play for. The catalyst for the decision? Easton's own girlfriend and physical therapist: Scout Dalton. Now, he's plagued by doubts, which are leading him to not just question the presence of the people closest to him but distrust them, especially Scout. With his still recovering shoulder injury, Scout's perceived betrayal, and his immediate trade from the Aces to the Wranglers, Easton already has more than his fair share of worries on his overflowing plate. But fate doesn't seem to be done with him yet. He's about to be blindsided by a devastating revelation, one that'll have him questioning the meaning of family and loyalty, but Scout's ready to prove she's with her Hot Shot for the long haul.

I thought Easton and Scout's story couldn't get any better than it did in the first book, but the author managed to prove me wrong. Goodness but how my heart broke for Easton and Scout. Did these two make mistakes? Yes, they most certainly did, but Scout's motivations for doing what she did with regards to Easton being traded were somewhat understandable. Should she have handled it better? Definitely, but then the same can be said for Easton and everything that happened ever since his injury courtesy of one Mateo Santiago, who I consider one of the most hate-worthy characters I've come across in a long-ass time. The guy, without a doubt, a true villain as far as I'm concerned and there was nothing about him that I would consider redeeming. You know how I often wish we could get to know a supporting character even more in a spin-off? Yeah, he's not one of them. I'd rather learn more about Easton's best friend and agent, Finn. There were a couple of curve balls in this series ender that I didn't see coming but they  made this an even better read. The Catch is one of my favorite reads for 2017. Five-plus stars. ♥


Read my reviews for The Player duet:

The Player (book one) - five stars - My Review

The Catch (book two) - five-plus stars - My Review (posted above)


Date Read: 01 July 2017

Learn more about K. Bromberg.

Purchase The Catch on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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