Review: Intrepid by Keri Lake (Vigilantes Spin-Off)

Note: This ARC was provided by the author via InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review.

I shook my head at yet another encounter that only served to heighten my curiosity in the guy. I refused to acknowledge it as anything more than that. His interest in me still made little sense, but I'd begun to see the way he appreciated things that most didn't bother to notice. The broader perspective that my narrow-minded thinking just couldn't seem to grasp. 
Maybe he saw something I didn't.

Three novels in and Keri Lake's Vigilantes series is still as intoxicating as ever. There are fictional characters that are labeled "antihero" but are nothing more than glorified bullies. Lake's antiheroes--the ones from this particular series and her Ripple Effect serial--are in a class all their own. Case in point, the latest Vigilantes antihero: Tyler Cross, who happens to share his story with Serafina Kutscher. She's a criminal justice major and he's a criminal seeking justice, which may, at the outset, have them at opposites sides, but once they one another's orbit, there's no escaping the other's pull, not when it's as demanding and as incessant as theirs. Will either one survive the fall?

Intrepid lives up to the first two novels in the series, Ricochet and Backfire, and while it is part of an on-going series, it can be read as a standalone. Keri Lake is one of those rare authors who never over-romanticizes her antiheroes. Ty may be, at his very core, a man with integrity. His motivations, after all, were brought about by life-altering circumstances. But Lake never makes him to be this guy who regrets what he's done over the years. The one regret he does have comes much later on, and only because of Sera's presence in his life. He is, for all intents and purposes, a killer, and not once did he make excuses for his actions nor did he even try to downplay any of it.

And then there's Sera who is no pushover for any man. I loved that she was a woman whose backbone was made of steel. She stands up for what she believes in, but she isn't some idealistic fool who blindly adheres to anything and everything fed to her. Not everything is set in stone, so when certain realizations come about, she adjusts and changes her stance when necessary. Ty and Sera, at first glance, would never work, not when they're so different. But then they find that they have a common purpose and at the end of the day, the greatest motivation to want to move beyond all their circumstances--each other. Intrepid is a five-plus-starred must-read and a favorite for 2018. ♥

Release Date: 10 April 2018

Date Read: 07 April 2018

Learn more about Keri Lake.

Purchase Intrepid on Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo.


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